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Facebook Twitter - Guitar Pro Tabs. E Lydian Backing Track. Download/Jam. – Download/Jam section – this series of mp3 is designed for the jammers, those who crave playing their instruments along with a band, but don’t have the band to back them up.


Through the years, whenever I would mix my records I would usually do a mix of specific songs without the lead guitar. This allowed me to play along with the track or make loops to jam to, and because I figured perhaps someday maybe others would like to do the same. Playing to these naked tracks, or creating loops of various sections to endlessly meander over, is a phenomenal way to discover unique musical ideas from within yourself. When we are playing an instrument and our mind enters that exclusive elusive mental real estate of our own personal muse, it can result in a form of musical meditation.

Metallica Fade to black Backing Track (with vocals)