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Un climatiseur à 10$ pour les grosses chaleurs | Carnets de deux expats à Seattle. Je sais qu'en ce moment, à Paris vous vous plaignez d'un temps pourri... Alors pour vous apprendre à vous croire le centre du monde, et de faire la tronche de vivre dans l'une des plus belle villes de la planète, je vais en rajouter un peu pour vous dire que chez nous ils fait un temps magnifique depuis maintenant 2 mois, et qu'on a même allègrement franchi les 30C. Et toc. En fait il fait tellement chaud que s'en est devenu un problème. A mon niveau personnel d'une part à cause de ma sensibilité à la chaleur et au soleil, et plus généralement pour tout le monde aux US, cf les sécheresses dramatiques, les incendies monstrueux du Colorado, le nombre de morts du à la chaleur qui augmente sans cesse.

Le souci, c'est qu'à Seattle, ce genre d'extrêmes n'arrivant que quelques jours par an, les habitations ne sont absolument pas prévues pour. En France, dans la plupart des maisons, il suffit de fermer les volets pour fournir de l'ombre et éviter ce genre de four. Et voilà! Old Headlight Converted to LED Bicycle Light. Book Cover from a Vintage Painting DIY. Jun 14 Here is a project I put together where you can make a journal or sketchbook out of a thrift store painting. It is a really simple process and gives a big payoff–a really special journal or sketchbook. It’s one of those projects that the first time will take you 25 minutes and then every time after will take about 10 minutes. These make very special gifts to give friends or just keep to yourself.

In college I learned some bookbinding and the actual sewing of the pages can take a whole afternoon. I was so excited when I found you could buy book kits ready-made so you just make the covers. Materials Needed: Painting on canvas (I get mine from thrift stores), Paper Source book kit (I used this one), pencil, bone folder, exacto knife, a large brush , archival glue , ruler, and a cutting mat. Step 1: Remove the canvas from the stretchers by cutting along the border with an exacto knife. More instruction after the jump. Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time. Wine Cork Crafts and Wine Cork Projects - 30 Ways to Reuse Wine Corks. Revolutionaries: A Project for Fall!

Hello my blog friends! I'm so pumped to share a project I finished today! It's simple, cheap, quick, and fall-y (yes, that is a word). Anyway... I've been diligently collecting these for what seems like forever: Why? So I could do projects like these: [Side note: please pin from the original source so the credit goes to the right person! But I also love projects involving trees/branches like these: Then, I saw this yesterday and even though it's not made from toilet paper rolls, I thought, hmm.... color behind the toilet paper rolls?

So basically... What you need: 1. 3. How to do it: 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 5. 6. It's so.. fall. And I love that I used things I already had in my craft stuff and I recycled toilet paper rolls! Would it be bad to keep it up all year? Update: here are some more pictures that I took in better lighting! Looking for more toilet paper projects? Repair Rain Boots with Duct Tape. Lucirmás - Recyclage de bouteilles en porte manteaux. Lucirmás, une agence de design espagnol, créé par la designer italienne Lucia Bruni, réalise des créations mêlant recyclage, artisanat et démarche durable. En voici un exemple avec ce porte manteaux original réalisé à partir de bouteilles en verre, pouvant égalent faire office de miroir (selon le modèle), qui trouvera parfaitement sa place dans une entrée. ++ Auteur : Fabien Fondateur de BuzzEcolo, je suis devenu blogueur un peu par hasard.

Si je remonte plus loin dans mon histoire, je commencerai en disant que, j’ai passé une bonne partie de mon enfance à voyager (en expatriation : Brésil, Nigeria, Corée du sud, T ... Verdes sueños en está cama de cartón reciclado. Karton es una empresa australiana que ha cambiado todo el concepto de lo que tenemos del cartón. Esta empresa vende increíbles diseños duraderos para que organices tu hogar con los mejores muebles hechos 100% de cartón reciclado. La magia esta en los dobleces del material que gracias a los mejores diseñadores hacen que los muebles de cartón sean tan firmes como los de madera, pero mucho más livianos y amigables con el medio ambiente. Uno de los modelos de estrella de la empresa Karton es la cama de cartón o "Paperpedic Bed”, esta cama está hecha con un sistema de paneles de papel plegado que se conectan y entrelazan de manera fácil y pueden soportar hasta una tonelada de peso.

Esta cama tiene hasta unas cajoneras para que guardes tus cosas y hasta puedes complementar tu set de cartón con divertidos veladores que combinan con e material de la cama. Fuente: Karton Presenta una cama hecha de cartón reciclado (Ecología) 30 Tage 30 Dinge. Crea un hermoso colgante para tus cortinas utilizando botellas plásticas.

Las botellas plásticas son uno de los desechos que más contaminan en el mundo, ya que utilizan mucho espacio, se generan en grandes cantidades y tardan miles de años en descomponerse. Afortunadamente cada vez son más las técnicas de reciclaje que incluyen la utilización de este tipo de botellas. A continuación mostramos un colgante para cortinas, muy femenino, ideal para decorar tu pieza o la de tu hija o sobrina, de manera entretenida, fácil y económica. Para crear este lindo adorno necesitas los siguientes materiales: -20 botellas plásticas (aprox. pueden ser más o menos)-10 metros de cinta (color a elección)-Temperas de diferentes colores, si hay más recursos pueden ser pinturas acrílicas-Tijeras-Perforadora-Corta cartón-Lima o una lija fina (opcional)-Huincha plástica autoadhesiva (se venden por pliegos en las librerías)-Stikers (opcional)-10 clips (aprox.)

-Pincel Ahora sigue estos simples 8 pasos, recuerda mirar el video para que hacerlo aún más fácil. Ver en YouTube. Book Frame with Collage Art - Cosmo Cricket. Maybe it's because I am a romantic when it comes to sappy, inspirational, and somewhat cheesy quotes, but I love framed messages. I think this one is especially sweet being framed in an old book. "Your life is a story, make it good. " This book's cover was titled Don Juan, and although I briefly thought about making a scrapbook with stories of my old flames titled The Don Juans of My Life, I re-thought that when I saw Kate reading one of my past journals.

Instead I simply flipped the book over and cut it into a frame. I saw the idea for cutting stepped frames from old books years ago and it's something I've always thought of trying. Here's how I did it. I measured 1" in on all sides except the bottom which I weighted by cutting 1.5" inches from the edge. After your window is cut, measure in from its edge 1/8" all the way around. Make sure your blade is very sharp or it will tear the soft book paper. Repeat this two more times. The front binding on my Don Juan book was falling apart. True Blue Me & You: I'll Try Not to Waste Our Time. Organize Your Fabric in a File Cabinet. Boîte à Thé "Little Red" 30 Tage 30 Dinge. Today Michi shows us a simple and fast project. Michi says: “My friend Eva, that always wanted to have a practical teabox, showed me this nice idea.

Since the prices for those boxes are often exorbitant, she decided to make one herself. I definitely wanted to have one myself. As a passionate tinkerer it was a fast job. Most suitable are cardboard shipping boxes, that you can often find in the waste. My box has the perfect size (30x26x8 cm), because it exactly fits the kitchen drawer. DIY Home Decor / Old door converted into a room divider. Love the colors! True Blue Me & You: I'll Try Not to Waste Our Time.