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Il n'y a pas de fist fucking à l'expo Mapplethorpe au Grand Palais à Paris et c'est bien dommage. S’il y a bien des photos exceptionnelles au sens fort du terme, ce sont justement celles-là.

Il n'y a pas de fist fucking à l'expo Mapplethorpe au Grand Palais à Paris et c'est bien dommage

(Attention, article avec des images #NSFW) Mapplethorpe, c'est LE photographe PD SM du New York des années 1980, mort du sida en 1989. Rijksmuseum + Etsy. The famed Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam houses many masterpieces of Dutch history and culture, including "The Milkmaid" by Vermeer (c1660), "The Merry Family" by Jan Steen (1668) and, of course, "The Night Watch" by Rembrandt (1642).

Rijksmuseum + Etsy

The museum's holdings extend to a rather glamorous costume collection, furniture (and dollhouses for adults), ceramics and more. Following a decade-long renovation, the Rijksmuseum reopened its door in April 2013, having eschewed the thematic gallery structure of its past (placing like objects with like objects) for a set-up that arranges the pieces in chronological order, over eight centuries. The museum has also introduced Rijksstudio, an initiative that makes high-resolution images of over 150,000 of its works available free to the public for creative use, without copyright. China's Money Laundering: Wealthy Chinese Smuggling Cash Out Using Art. China has built laws around prohibiting the offshore money laundering common among wealthy Chinese who come by their money illegally.

China's Money Laundering: Wealthy Chinese Smuggling Cash Out Using Art

These capital control laws say any individual can move only $50,000 out of China each year, CNN reported on Thursday. Previously, the common ploy involved laundering money through casinos in Macau or creating fake trade invoices, but the en vogue way now is buying paintings, sculptures and calligraphy pieces, then selling them for a hefty price outside China. The profits, in foreign currencies and clean, are then pocketed. Could Illustration Offer an Antidote to Fashion Banality? LONDON, United Kingdom — I have, for many years, collected drawings of fashionable clothes from many periods, whenever opportunity and funds have made it possible.

Could Illustration Offer an Antidote to Fashion Banality?

Stylish Fashion Shoot Recreates Pablo Picasso's Unique Paintings. 23 Next-Level Ways To Make Baked Brie. Fate of Detroit’s Art Hangs in the Balance. Joshua Lott/Reuters A Diego Rivera mural at the Detroit Institute of Arts.

Fate of Detroit’s Art Hangs in the Balance

Part of the collection may be auctioned off. But the judge, Steven W. Rhodes, questioned for the first time the push by some of the city’s largest creditors to sell paintings and sculpture from the Detroit Institute of Arts, a sale that could generate hundreds of millions of dollars or more. While he did not say specifically that the art should be spared, Judge Rhodes, in a brief mention of the institute by name, said that such a sale would not have helped Detroit avoid bankruptcy.

“A one-time infusion of cash by selling an asset,” he said, would have only delayed the city’s “inevitable financial failure” unless it could have also come up with a sustainable way to enhance income and reduce expenses. Some creditors argue that the art is not necessary for the city’s mission. Someone Needs To Tell Martha Stewart Her Food Tweets Are Disgusting.

La copie, nouveau pop art chinois. Dans quelques jours se tiendra à Pékin le troisième plénum du 18e congrès du Parti communiste chinois.

La copie, nouveau pop art chinois

Modern Day China Painted By North Korean Propaganda Artists. 20 Hidden Gems To Make You Fall In Love With NYC Again. Detroit Sports Profit as DIA Collection Considered for Collateral. Detroit’s Tigers stadium (image via Flickr user Cavalier92) As the Detroit Institue of Arts (DIA) continues its long slide to Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr’s butcher block, several issues have come to light regarding the fate of its artwork and the financial context of the Detroit bankruptcy.

Detroit Sports Profit as DIA Collection Considered for Collateral

On Sunday, the Detroit Free Press published an article confirming what we had previously suspected regarding the possible use of the DIA’s artworks to collateralize new debt. That piece outlines how Orr has repeatedly told the DIA that he would like to use its assets to raise $4-500 million “to create a revenue stream for perhaps 20 years.” What this means is somewhat ambiguous, but this much is clear: the museum’s collection is worth more than enough to collateralize a debt obligation of this magnitude. 3D Printing and Scanning Can Now Produce Near Flawless Art Forgeries. Johannes Vermeer: The 36th Painting — www.artnet. An authentic Vermeer painting is a rare sight to see at auction.

Johannes Vermeer: The 36th Painting — www.artnet

Since the re-discovery of the 17th century Dutch master by journalist and art critic Théophile Thoré-Bürger in the 1860s, paintings by Johannes Vermeer (Dutch, 1632–1675) were only seen in the market a few times, and were last offered at auction in 1921. Today, his small body of work is almost exclusively owned by public institutions. A Young Woman Seated at the Virginal (c.1670) is the only known Vermeer painting housed in a private collection. In 1960, Baron Frédéric Rolin acquired the painting through Marlborough Fine Art Ltd. in London, England.

At the time of the Baron’s acquisition, most Vermeer experts and scholars doubted, not only its authorship, but its authenticity, and considered it to be either a 20th century fake or an early 19th century pastiche.1 In spite of the overwhelming opinion to the contrary, Baron Rolin believed his painting to be a true Vermeer. Cory Arcangel : quand l’art plonge dans la mémoire technologique  Cory Arcangel, source : page Facebook DHC/ART.

Cory Arcangel : quand l’art plonge dans la mémoire technologique 

Can Bankrupt Detroit Save Its Art Collection From Being Sold. Interdisciplinary Artist. Art: ce qu'on a pour 500.000 euros, nos conseils à Claude Guéant. - Nature morte de Balthasar Van Der Ast (XVIe siècle) partie pour 126.465 euros chez Sotheby's de Londres.

Art: ce qu'on a pour 500.000 euros, nos conseils à Claude Guéant

Qatar returns statues to Greece amid nudity dispute. L'appartement figé dans le temps depuis 70ans. A l’image du château de la Belle au bois dormant, où le temps s’est arrêté… un appartement parisien, inoccupé depuis 1942, a été découvert dans le quartier de Pigalle, juste à coté de l’église de la Trinité. Versailles redébusque son bosquet. Vous aimez les jardins et la danse. Devant votre château, vous avez fait aménager un vaste parc ponctué de bosquets. Au milieu de l’un d’eux - le bosquet du Théâtre-d’Eau -, des fontaines et des cascades entourent une grande scène où vous aimez venir danser : il y a de la musique, les vivats des courtisans, le chant du vent dans les arbres et le rire permanent des jets d’eau.

Vous êtes Louis XIV. Why Is the Museum of Modern Art Dead Set on Perpetrating a Hideous Act of Architecture-cide? The most astonishing thing about the Museum of Modern Art’s announcement last week that it intends to tear down the former American Folk Art Museum on West 53rd Street was the rationale MoMA offered for this appalling decision. According to a report in the Times, because the folk-art museum’s powerful sculptural bronze façade was “opaque,” it was “not in keeping with the glass aesthetic of the rest of the museum.” Silicon Valley Art Exhibition Celebrates Warhol and Technology. Andy Warhol, the larger-than-life icon who revolutionized art with commercial screenprints and serial imagery — and offbeat gems, such as filming himself eating a burger — is being celebrated in Silicon Valley for something many might have deemed outside his wheelhouse: technology.

Christie's Private Sales is holding a pop-up exhibition, titled "Viral: Andy Warhol and the Image before the Internet Age," at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Calif., from June 24 to 27 to explore and showcase Warhol's art, as seen through the lens of electronic innovation. "You can’t look at a Campbell’s soup can or a picture of Marilyn Monroe without thinking of Andy Warhol," a specialist for the exhibition, Amelia Manderscheid, said. Silicon Valley Art Exhibition Celebrates Warhol and Technology. Détroit: main basse sur le musée. - Detroit Institute of Arts - A vec une dette colossale de 15,6 milliards de dollars, la ville de Détroit aux Etats-Unis est au bord de la faillite.

Tous les moyens sont bons pour trouver de l’argent. Alors pourquoi ne pas mettre en vente les collections du musée de la ville le Détroit Institut of Art (DIA) ? Une éventualité qui provoque une polémique. Ai Weiwei met en boîtes sa détention. L'exposition, intitulée "S.A.C.R.E.D", a été réalisée par la galerie Lisson, présente à Londres et Milan (, et sera visible jusqu'au 15 septembre. - Photo Stefano Rellandini. Reuters. Mais que font les super-héros sur une corniche ? Pierre et Gilles : backstage. Keith Haring en mode politique. En 1968, Keith Haring, alors âgé de dix ans, décrivait dans une rédaction à l'école primaire son avenir rêvé. «Quand je serai grand, j’aimerais être un artiste en France. La raison, c’est parce que j’aime dessiner». L’artiste américain a toujours aimé la France. Elle le lui rend bien. Sa première exposition personnelle a eu lieu en 1985 dans un musée bordelais. L’hurluberlu du bout du monde.

La pupille est dilatée et la voix éraillée, restes de la sauterie de la veille. Multi millionnaire ou pas, David Walsh passe toutes ses nuits dehors comme un ado enfin seul avec les copains. 'Happy Endings' Future And The Scary State Of Network Comedy. "Happy Endings" is more than just a funny, flailing show on ABC. Its wobbly situation provides an object lesson in what ails broadcast network comedies more generally. Roger Ebert's 20 Most Epic Movie Pans. Les musées crèvent l'écran. Comme les opéras, les musées retransmettent leurs grands événements. Pionnier, le British Museum transforme son exposition «Pompéi» en film à grand spectacle. Le 18 juin, il sera possible de visiter l'actuelle exposition du British Museum en se rendant… au cinéma! Un parcours commenté, filmé en haute définition et en direct sera diffusé sur grand écran dans près de trois cents salles du Royaume-Uni et d'Irlande.

L'achat des tickets est organisé directement par ces établissements. Une autre séance sera organisée le 19 pour les scolaires. Art Project. Le plus vieux porno du monde a au moins 3000 ans et il est loin d'être hétéro-normé. Les pudibonds ne devraient pas faire de l'archéologie.