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Born Geek » Firefox Toolbar Tutorial. This tutorial explains how to create a toolbar extension for Firefox. It provides an overview of how extensions are developed, the tools required to create them, and details on how toolbars are created. Please note that this tutorial is lengthy; I recommend spending time with it over the course of a few days (it makes for a good weekend read). Extension development isn’t difficult, though some basic programming knowledge is required. There are three basic areas you should be somewhat familiar with: XML, JavaScript, and CSS. None of these topics are difficult to pick up, and there are a number of excellent tutorials on each around the web. Chapter 1: Getting Started Before We StartTools You Will NeedFile Structure Layout Chapter 2: Creating the Framework Install ManifestChrome Manifest Chapter 3: Structuring the Toolbar The Toolbox and ToolbarToolbar ButtonsDrop Down Edit BoxResizing Gripper Chapter 4: Dynamic Development Chapter 5: Skinning the Toolbar Chapter 6: Scripting the Toolbar.

Browser Extensions. Browser extensions allow developers to add functionality to the browser and enhance the user interface in a way that is not directly related to the viewable content of Web pages. This class of extensibility includes add-on functionality that users might install to enhance their browsing experience. Overviews/Tutorials Methods Interfaces Structures.

Doc Center | Mozilla Developer Network. The open Web presents incredible opportunities for developers. To take full advantage of these technologies, you need to know how to use them. Below you'll find links to our Web technology documentation. Documentation for Web developers Web Developer Guide The Web Developer Guide provides useful how-to content to help you actually use Web technologies to do what you want or need to do. Tutorials for Web developers A list of tutorials to take you step-by-step through learning APIs, technologies, or broad topic areas. Progressive web apps (PWAs) Progressive Web Apps are web apps that use emerging web browser APIs and features along with traditional progressive enhancement strategy to bring a native app-like user experience to cross-platform web applications. Web technology references Web APIs Reference material for each of the individual APIs that comprise the Web's powerful scriptability, including the DOM and all of the related APIs and interfaces you can use to build Web content and apps.

Events. HTML5 Video Player | Video.js. Tutorial: Getting Started (Hello, World!) - Google Chrome Extensions - Google Code. Developer Dashboard. One account. All of Google. Sign in to continue to Chrome Web Store Find my account Forgot password? Sign in with a different account Create account One Google Account for everything Google.