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Batman-superman-spiderman.jpg (JPEG Image, 640 × 366 pixels) Spider-Man (Peter Parker) The bite of an irradiated spider granted high-school student Peter Parker incredible powers.

Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

When a burglar killed his Uncle Ben, Peter vowed to use those abilities to protect his fellow man, driven by his uncle's words: With great power comes great responsibility! The Boy, the Bite, and the Burglar Most incredibly, he had gained a sixth sense that provided him with early warning of impending danger. Disguised, Peter tested his new-found abilities defeating professional wrestler Crusher Hogan in the ring, and earning some cash. Using his scientific prowess, he constructed a pair of artificial web-shooters that attached to his wrists. Batman Jewelry, Rings, Cufflinks, Cuff Links, Necklaces. Batman-infographic-every-batsuit-benm-144238.jpg (JPEG Image, 1174x4281 pixels)

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