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Cancer and AIDS Hope Reborn. Essiac also can be used as a general disease preventative, since it boosts the immune system. While the herbal blend has worked for thousands of users, no one can guarantee that it will work for everyone. However, if I had cancer or other deadly disease, I would definitely give it a try. The Essiac Formula and Preparation follows in the middle of the article, and an interview with a Dr.

Gary L. Glum, author of the book, Calling of An Angel, with his reports on the use of Essiac with AIDS patients follows via a link at the end of this page. These articles were originally found in The Higher Truth, Volume 1, Issues 1 and 2. The following are excerpts from an article printed in the Vancouver Sun, one of Canada's leading newspapers on May 16, 1992. The truth of it is, Peggy Good was a goner two years ago. Surgeons went in and removed some of the tumor, but left some behind. That wasn't the end of it.

"I didn't feel human," she said. She didn't fear death, but she did have a lot to live for. Raw versus Cooked Vegetables and Cancer Risk. Epidemiology Over the past 10 years, at least 23 case-control and 5 cohort studies have been published that examined the association of both raw and cooked vegetables with cancer risk. All five cohort studies are based on the same data set from the Netherlands. These studies, as listed in Table 1, are grouped first by cancer site and then by year of publication. Information about the quantity of intake and types of vegetables evaluated is included when available. As is evident from Fig. 1, the majority of studies showed raw and cooked vegetables to be inversely associated with risk of cancer, with the most striking benefit in oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal, and esophageal cancers.

Table 1. Studies that compared raw and cooked vegetable intake and cancer risk Figure 1. The risk of cancer based on highest versus lowest quantile of intake of raw vegetables (▪) or cooked vegetables (◂). Table 2. Studies that assessed raw vegetable intake and risk of cancer Figure 2. Esophageal Cancer Gastric Cancer. Raw Food Treatment of Cancer. By Dr. KIRSTINE NOLFI (Denmark) Originally published around 1950 BEFORE I realized the actual importance of raw vegetable food, my attitude was exactly the same as that of other doctors -- to treat the symptoms of the disease without thinking of preventing it.

It ought to be the duty of the medical profession in future to find means of preventing to a much higher degree than now, instead of having to cure later on. That I, as a doctor, went in for exclusively raw vegetable food is due to the fact that I became ill, even seriously ill, myself. I developed cancer of the breast. The disease had, of course, been preceded by wrong nourishment and wrong habits in the course of my twelve years of hospital training, when I suffered from sluggish digestion and catarrh of the stomach all the time, disorders which are still of quite common occurrence among hospital staff members.

Since that time, no change of the hospital diet has taken place in Denmark in this very important domain. Dr. Health Month. Pains aux graines germées et pain des Esséniens, galettes esséniennes. Les graines germées (en particulier les céréales) peuvent être ajoutées aux ingrédients d'un pain. Voici une recette. Pain aux graines germées Première phase : trempage et germination Pour 750 g. de blé entier à germer (ou moitié épeautre), ou avec 10 % de seigle, à fort pouvoir de germination (grains de l'année de préférence) laisser tremper dans de l'eau pendant 24 heures, égoutter, rincer toutes les 12 heures (pendant plusieurs jours : environ 2 jours), les laisser humides mais ne plus les laisser reposer dans l'eau. Deuxième phase : broyage Surveiller l'apparition d'un petit point blanc caractéristique (2 mm) : le germe, (environ 24 à 36 heures), (pas de germination trop avancée, les pousses ne doivent en aucun cas être déjà vertes, car le pain, trop riche en diastases deviendrait collant et peu digeste), rincer une dernière fois délicatement à la passoire ou en retournant le récipient avec son couvercle maintenu dessus et arrêter la germination.

Quatrième phase : levée Autres versions. Hippocrates Health Institute | The Leader in the Field of Natural and Complementary Health Care and Education. Alternative & Natural Cancer Treatments-Cancer Treatment Alternatives Options- The Raw Food Scientist. Moins de matières grasses animales dans nos assiettes. L’Agreste vient de publier une analyse qui montre que la consommation française de graisses animales à baisser depuis 10 ans. Par ailleurs Les Français achètent moins de graisses brutes mais en absorbent davantage dans des produits élaborés. La consommation totale de matières grasses reste stable depuis dix ans, mais masque un recul des graisses animales au profit des huiles végétales. C’est bien connu, l’assiette des français a beaucoup évolué depuis 50 ans : les préparations et plats cuisinés prennent de plus en plus de place dans nos repas.

Les repas à l’extérieur du domicile se multiplient. Dans cette étude nous apprenons qu’un quart des apports lipidiques viennent de graisses brutes, et qu’un tiers provient désormais de produits élaborés (laitages, charcuterie, pâtisseries, assaisonnements, plats composés). Grâce à l’engouement pour les yaourts et desserts lactés, glaces et sorbets, crème fraîche, les produits laitiers bénéficient d’un essor spectaculaire. Articles similaires.