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Metaphilm ::: Donnie Darko. A new theory to help the viewer unravel the cult classic. Erik A. Coburn n recent years, Donnie Darko, directed by Richard Kelly, has become a cult classic. While most people who watch this twisted film will love it, few will understand the intricate, multi-layered timeline residing within. But if you analyze the film, you will notice that every little detail, every single line, has significance in determining what really goes on in Middlesex. Let’s delve into the madness, unravel the convoluted uses of time travel, and get some major headaches.

Explaining the timeline This diagram summarizes Donnie’s travel, to and from the Tangent Universe, to and from the past and the future. The entire movie occurs between points B and C on the timeline, aside from the last five or ten minutes, which happen at point A. Before getting into the explanations, there are some phrases that need to be defined: With these terms in mind, we can now begin breaking down the timeline.

He’s been here before Wake Up. Nugget-From-The-Net-Gamer-Alignment-Chart.jpg from 4chan.