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Movie site and Tv Shows. Watch Movies for free: TubePlus. Watch Movies Online Free - StumbleUpon. Project Free TV. Documentary. Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series. The Song of the Earth. Some birds make sounds that are musical to our ears. Consider the skylark, whose melodious sounds we label as song. So it’s quite natural to wonder whether there is a connection between animal sounds and the music that humans create. The deepest mystery of all: What purpose does music serve? Famed naturalist Sir David Attenborough examines various exotic members of the animal kingdom for clues to this fascinating puzzle. After laying out for the audience the complex structures that transform sound into music - musical phrases, melodies, themes, and variations - Sir David introduces us to the animal acknowledged to produce the most complicated and longest song yet discovered - the humpback whale.

With Cornell University researcher Katy Payne as his guide, he eavesdrops on these gigantic mammals through a hydrophone dropped into the Dominican Republic’s Samana Bay, where the whales congregate during the winter months. Watch the full documentary now (playlist - 50 minutes) Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS. New Orleans: A Living Museum of Music. Yosemite HD. Why Birds Sing. Inspired by musician and eco-philosopher David Rothenberg's book of the same title, this documentary explores the intriguing, charming, complex and often conflicting theories on why birds sing like they do and why humans are so attracted to the sound. The film features contributions from musicians including Laurie Anderson, Jarvis Cocker and Beth Orton; enlightening and often startling analysis from some of the world's most eminent birdsong scientists; a literary guide to birdsong in poetry; a bizarre birdsong-themed art 'happening'; the creation of a new musical composition from the Afro-Celt Sound System, entirely made up of manipulated birdsongs; and a strange musical duet at New York's Bronx Aviary, featuring humans and birds.

Filmed in the forests, aviaries, studios and laboratories of England, Germany and the USA, this is a colorful, entertaining, informative and occasionally weird journey through the songs of nature that have enchanted and perplexed humans for thousands of years. Monster Crab Exits Shell Video. Pinky and The Brain prove why old cartoons are better. The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore.