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Screencasting on the Mac - Screenflow 2 vs Camtasia:mac - The Di. Screenflow 2.0 came out earlier this week, so I now have production copies of it and Camtasia:mac. I hadn't planned to do a head-to-head, but the opportunity arose today, so I took it. Below you'll find copies of the same screencast I did to introduce Summon to our community. The first was done in Screenflow, the second in Camtasia:mac.

Overall verdict? Tie. Screenflow Camtasia:mac Screenflow did do a better job with the automatic upload to YouTube; it asked if I wanted to upload as HD, while Camtasia didn't, and the result with Camtasia's upload was quite a bit fuzzier. Incidentally, I also ran across this collection of links on the Screenflow blog of other reviews of Screenflow, including some comparisons with Camtasia. Mac Screencasting. Screen Sharing Tools and Technology: A Mini-Guide - Online Colla. What is Screen Sharing? Screen sharing is generally understood as the technologically-empowered ability to transmit the contents of your computer screen to one or more remotely connected Internet users.

Photo credit: Screen Stream In other words screen sharing allows you to show PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, images and any other software running on your computer while remotely connected users see in real-time what you see on your screen. Traditionally screen sharing has been long referred to as application sharing, to define more specifically the ability not just to show specific applications to other connected participants but the combined ability of screen sharing with remote control. So while the terms "application sharing" and "screen sharing" mean two different things they are increasingly used in interchangeable ways as many of the new tools and online services integrated them both, and companies prefer to use terminologies that make more immediate sense to the end user.

ScreenFlow - Overview. Highest Quality Recording ScreenFlow has the best screen recording available – whether you are recording multiple screens at once, or using retina displays. Built in Stock Media Library Spice up your videos with access to over 500,000 unique images, audio & video clips and more directly from within your ScreenFlow projects. iOS Recording Record your iPhone or iPad screen for high quality app demos. Easy to Learn, Easy to Use ScreenFlow’s intuitive UI allows everyone to create amazing content in minutes. Powerful Video Editing Tools Add pro touches to your videos with transitions, text animations, video animations, freehand annotations, multi-channel audio and more.

Professional Animations & Motions Graphics Animate graphics, titles and logos with built in video and text animations. Better Tools for Software Tutorials Use Styles and Templates to make editing a series of Software tutorials quicker and easier. Streamlined Media Management Closed Caption Support More Publishing Options. Thumbstrips.