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Information. Rochester. Seven ARL Libraries Face Major Pla. Seven Association of Research Libraries member libraries are facing major planned or potential budget cuts.

Seven ARL Libraries Face Major Pla

These examples suggest that significant budget cuts may be widespread in ARL libraries. The Cornell University Library will have to cut around about $944,000 from the fiscal year 2010 materials budget. Purchase Recommendations. ARL Budget Roundup: Large Academic Libraries Face Cuts in Collec. Students’ Use of Research Content in Teaching and Learning. District Dispatch » Library Copyright Alliance releases issue br. Brenda Villanueva, Google Policy Fellow at the National Hispanic Media Coalition, discusses the possibilities and limits of mobile technology. This summer, when I haven’t been attending hearings and panels, or writing about bookmobiles , I’ve been joining the rest of the Google Policy Fellows at Google’s DC office for occasional events. They’ve been interesting opportunities to learn more about the policy work of an influential company–as well as, rather unexpectedly, about their driverless cars .

But there hadn’t been much of a chance to dig into the intersection of information technology policy and libraries (despite that being, of course, the most interesting intersection of all).