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Google Wave Explained In Two Minutes (CLIP) (GOOG) The First Google Wave Search You Must Know - Google - Lifehacker. Three Google Wave Searches Worth Saving. After only a few weeks of Wave usage, my inbox is been teeming with activity, full of waves from strangers who have added me and 17 other strangers to items I don't particularly care about.

Three Google Wave Searches Worth Saving

Rather than shoot for inbox zero in Wave and spend the time archiving everything in sight, I'm going with the flow--with the help of a few saved searches. Besides the previously-mentioned with:public search, three other saved searches are making drilling down to my most important waves much easier. onlyto:me is:unread: This search shows waves that are directed only to me (no one else) and are unread. It provides a much more streamlined view of incoming waves that I'm more likely to want/need to respond to because they're only to me.creator:me -is:note: These are waves I have created and added other people to, which most likely means they're waves I'm waiting for responses on.