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KSH script BASICS. Contents Principle of ScriptVariablesBranchingLoopingCommandline ArgumentsComparisonsVariable ManipulationsKsh Regular ExpressionsFunctionsData RedirectionPipesCoprocessesRead Input from User and from FilesSpecial VariablesAction on Success or Failure of a CommandTrivial CalculationsNumerical Calculations using "bc""grep""sed""awk""perl" Principle of Script Defining the Shell Type To make a ksh script (which is a ksh program) crate a new file with a starting line like:#!


How to make custom prompts. How to change your shell prompt.

How to make custom prompts

In my last article I discussed how to change your shell. Now let's change your prompt to make it helpful. Here are what some of my prompts look like: KSH-93 - Frequently Asked Questions. Basename in PS1 on ksh - Linux Posts.