DC Custom Construction 411 J St SW, Quincy, WA 98848 509-787-2044
New Homes & Whole House Remodels. Tuscan Style Flip House - In Progress!
4000 square feet 3 bd 3.5 bath in East Wenatchee. Features large butler pantry, out door pizza oven. Large master suite with spa shower, in ground concrete bathtub and 2nd Junior suite. Turner Residence - Full gut remodel. We added a garage, full HVAC system, brought the plumbing and wiring up to date and created an independent living space in the basement. Old Barn House - Custom, New Construction Miller Wading Pool & Sun Deck Home Sweet Home - Remodeled 1950's rambler.
Why Concrete? Concrete is the oldest man made building material. In a throw away world where we are there is an obvious need to be concerned about waste, why not build for keeps? Now lets talk about health and environmental benifits. Carbon Capture, you're going to hear about it! Red Barn House - New Construction Old Rustic Farm House Remodel.
New Homes & Whole House Remodels. New Homes & Whole House Remodels. Contractor's Choice For The Best Concrete Sealer For A Pool Deck. If you want to protect your concrete pool deck from spalling, pitting, and cracking, the best concrete sealer to use is RadonSeal deep penetrating sealer.
This non-slip sealer will give you a natural matte finish that'll permanently protect your concrete for years. RadonSeal's sealer is excellent for using around salt water pools and chlorine water pools. I use it on my customer's pool decks because it works. It densifies, hardens, and makes the concrete stronger. Repairing the Aftermath of British Columbia’s Leaky Condo Crisis. The late 1980s in British Columbia (BC) saw a building boom that continued until the early 2000s.
It was a time of rapid growth and expansion. Companies from all over the world were eager to profit from the boom, often rushing to get construction done. However, there were shortages of labor and experience during this time, which led many of these companies to use less experienced contractors to keep sites fully staffed. Further exacerbating the problem was how many of the companies were inexperienced and unfamiliar with the local climate. By the mid-‘90s, rapid growth and development was still at its height. Similar pressures existed on the design side, which brought less experienced design professionals and fewer on-site inspections. That Includes the Restoration of a Building in South Surrey One of these repairs in particular was for a 25-year-old, four-story condominium complex with a one-story below grade parkade in South Surrey, BC. Cold Weather Concrete- What happens to fresh concrete when it freezes?
I experience cold weather concrete for 5 out of 12 months a year.
Being from Maine our cold weather concreting season is from late October until sometime in March. Having to make a living pouring concrete floors during Maine winters since the 1980's, I've learned a lot about what happens to fresh concrete if it's exposed to cold and freezing temperatures. One thing I know for sure, if you let newly poured concrete freeze, you will have issues with the surface scaling, pop-outs, cracking, and overall weaker concrete. It was 20 degrees F when we started this pour The temp. reached a high of 33 degrees F and the concrete dried just fine We covered the slab above with insulating blankets, a layer of hay, and a tarp over everything after we were done troweling.
Be prepared, 9 things to consider before pouring concrete in cold weather. Pouring concrete in cold weather is something we do a lot of in Maine.
The months of November, December, January, and February usually have many days with temperatures at or below freezing. Since I make a living pouring concrete floors and slabs, I can't let the cold weather stop me. We just found what works best during the winter months and we get the concrete poured. We poured this garage floor in December. The temperature was 26 degrees F when we started to pour at 7am. The concrete set-up just fine (alright, maybe a little slow for us), we covered it with insulating blankets and a tarp after troweling smooth. I'm in contact with the concrete ready mix company at least 2-3 days in advance and sometimes a week in advance if possible. The ready-mix company is going to have to be a little flexible with scheduling if the temps are really cold. I like the air temperature to reach at least 28 degrees. Usually one of these three scenarios is going on when we pour concrete in the winter. Why This Is The Best Concrete Power Screed For Floors And Slabs.
In my honest opinion, I think the Shockwave Power Screed from Marshalltown Company is the best concrete power screed.
I've used a lot of power screeds or vibrating screeds over the years, some I've liked and some not so much, for various reasons. But after using the Shockwave vibra-screed, I was pretty impressed. Some of the other manufactures of these power screeds had a good product, they just didn't operate as smoothly as the Shockwave did, in my opinion. How To Stamp Concrete - Training From A Real Pro. Here's the basic steps for how to stamp concrete: Prepare your sub-gradeInstall your formsInstall your reinforcementPour the concreteStamp the concreteSaw cut expansion jointsClean and Wash the concreteApply concrete sealer In the video above, you can watch us pour and stamp the concrete for this 50' x 12' concrete patio.
Concrete Mixing Ratios - How To Make Concrete (Cement, Sand, Stone) When making your own concrete it's important to use the correct concrete mixing ratios to produce a strong, durable concrete mix.
To make concrete there are four basic materials you need: Portland cement, sand, aggregate (stone), and water. The ratio of aggregate to sand to cement is an important factor in determining the compressive strength of the concrete mixture. I'm mixing 1 shovel of cement, 3 shovels of sand, and 3 shovels of stone with water to mix this concrete. What is the ratio for mixing concrete? One of the best concrete mix ratios is 1 part cement, 3 parts sand, and 3 parts aggregate, this will produce approximately a 3000 psi concrete mix. Troweling - Broom - Stamping - Smooth. From Hand Troweling to Broom finishes to Stamping to Power troweling If you want to learn how to finish concrete, this page will cover many different types of concrete finishing.
Finishing concrete, whether your hand troweling or power troweling the concrete smooth or giving the concrete some texture with a broom or stamping it all require some type of experience or knowledge. That's what I'm going to provide you with. How To Finish Concrete Smooth By Using A Steel Trowel - Tips & Tricks. One of the best ways you can learn how to finish concrete smooth is by watching me using a steel trowel to finish this small concrete floor.
I've been using a mag float and a steel hand trowel to finish concrete smooth for many years. There's a technique I use when I finish concrete that makes using a mag float and hand trowel a little easier to learn. Can You Pour Concrete Over Existing Concrete - The Honest Truth. The Honest Truth About This Concrete Patio Make-Over YES, if done correctly, you can pour new concrete right over existing concrete. There's some things you have to take into consideration before you make your final decision though. Is the existing concrete sound? Why Hard-Cem® Shotcrete Should Be Your Solution for Durable Concrete. Not too long ago, we talked about the versatility of Hard-Cem. But we never got a chance to discuss the benefits of it being in shotcrete. To rectify that, we’re here today to talk all about Hard-Cem shotcrete and why you should use it to get the durable concrete you need. To Start, Let’s First Discuss Why Shotcrete in General Is Worth It While shotcrete is a century-old form of technology, over the past couple of decades, many in the construction industry have started to renew their interest in it.
After all, now more than ever, time is a precious commodity. How To Seal Acid Stained Concrete - Best sealer for stained concrete. This page will help you understand how to seal your acid stained concrete. The methods and sealers I'm going to show you will also work good for acetone dye stained concrete and water based concrete stains. Some of the reasons you need to seal stained concrete are: To enhance the colorsTo Protect the concrete from wearTo keep the concrete from being dustyTo make cleaning easierTo minimize water and spills absorptionTo maintain strong concrete Most concrete sealers used on acid stained concrete are either solvent or water based acrylics.
The Best Sealers For Concrete Driveways - A Contractor's Reviews/Picks. There's a lot of websites and pages with people giving you their opinion about what they think is the best concrete driveway sealer. When I look at them (yes, I checked them out) I just wonder how many (if any) of these people actually use these sealers???? Or, are they just writing about them to get an affiliate commission.
(if you click through and buy one, they make money.) How To Clean Concrete - My best methods and tips for cleaning concrete. If you're trying to figure out how to clean your concrete, you've found the right page. Cleaning concrete isn't an exact science. What I mean is, it depends on the kind of substance you're trying to remove from the concrete. Is it an organic material like dirt or leaf residue? Or is it an in-organic material like oil or grease? The Best Method To Remove Oil From Concrete - This Really Works!
Best Garage Floor Paint (Epoxy - Polyaspartics - Acrylics- Latex?) Is Painting Your Garage Floor A Good Idea? A Practical Guide. Remove Black Glue From Concrete - My Top Product And Best Method. The #1 Method For Removing Cat And Dog Urine & Smell From Concrete. My Best Method For Removing Rust Stains From Concrete-See For Yourself. Construction News Round-Up: Highlights from Our eNewsletter. How Much Does 1 Cubic Foot of Concrete Weigh? - Weight Calculator. How to Paint a Basement Floor- My Best Tips. Concrete Courses Online - Learn How to Pour, Finish, Stamp, and Repair. 5 Benefits of Installing a Concrete Driveway. A Pro's Step by Step Formula On How To Epoxy Paint A Garage Floor. Call (269) 963-6263 for Concrete Contractors. How To Paint Your Garage Floor With A 2-Part Epoxy (Learn From A Pro)
5 Reasons Concrete is Better Than Asphalt. Home. Make Your Own Concrete Planter. Concrete Pavers at (269) 963-6263. How To Form, Pour, And Finish A Concrete Ramp (For Beginners) The 3 Reasons Most DIY Concrete Patios Fail. Home.