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The iPad accessory tool kit for Physicians. When my physician peers who know I’m the editor of iMedicalApps get their iPads, one of the most frequent questions I receive is not about the type of app to get — rather, it’s about the type of accessories.

The iPad accessory tool kit for Physicians

I’ve decided to make a summary of the research we’ve conducted at iMedicalApps into a singular post, so it will be easy for physicians and other health care providers to quickly access this information. We’ll start first with the hardware accessories. There are two key hardware accessories that physicians often ask about. 3 Tips for Managing Your Online Reputation. Antony Mayfield is iCrossing's Senior Vice President, Social Media, leading the company's services and innovation efforts related to the social web.

3 Tips for Managing Your Online Reputation

He is also the author of Me and My Web Shadow, a newly released everyperson's guide to the social web. You can find him on his blog or Twitter. Online Reputation.