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Javascript / UI

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SweetAlert. A beautiful replacement for Javascript's "Alert" So... What does it do? Here’s a comparison of a standard error message. The first one uses the built-in alert-function, while the second is using sweetAlert. Normal alert Code: alert("Oops... Sweet Alert sweetAlert("Oops Pretty cool huh? More examples In these examples, we're using the shorthand function swal to call sweetAlert. Download & install Method 1: Install through bower: $ bower install sweetalert Method 2: Download the sweetAlert CSS and JavaScript files. Configuration Here are the keys that you can use if you pass an object into sweetAlert: Contribute. Nexus Mobile Audio Interface. List.js - Search, sort, filters, flexibility to tables, list and more! Gridster.js. Overview - emscripten-qt - Redmine. Codiad by Fluidbyte. Alertify.js - browser dialogs never looked so good.

Unfortunately, I will no longer be maintaining alertify.js. I have many ongoing projects that aren't leaving me with enough time to do what needs to be done. If anyone wants to create a fork and maintain - by all means go for it! It's been great seeing people use it and enjoy it and this decision is simply because I don't believe it's fair that developers are looking for help and not getting it. I wish I had more time or contributions to keep it going and make it better, but the sad reality is that not usually the case on these kinds of projects. Forks I will be updating this site to list forks of alertify.js. At this time none are the official successor, I will leave the community to decide which one should become the main repo. InK - Interface Kit.