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Official Web Site: Webbots, Spiders, and Screen Scrapers, by Michael Schrenk. Ordered by Date.


Bit-Shadow Machine. Code Guide by @mdo. Php Reports. A framework for displaying reports from any data source, including SQL and MongoDB.

Php Reports

Getting Started Php Reports requires PHP 5.3, Composer, Apache or nginx, and a modern browser. You'll also need a MySQL database and/or MongoDB plus their respective PHP extensions if you want to use those report types. The easiest way to start using Php Reports is to clone the git repo. git clone You can also download a pre-packaged zip or tar archive The next step is to install dependencies with Composer.

Curl -sS | php mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer Once Composer is installed, run the following from within the php-reports folder composer install Finally, you need to create a configuration file. Cp config/config.php.sample config/config.php You should now be able to view the report list in your browser If you use nginx, place the following in your server declaration - try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php? If you use Apache, make sure .htaccess files are allowed and mod_rewrite is enabled. SqlFormatter. A PHP class for formatting and highlighting SQL statements.


View on Github Download If you're using Composer in your project, simply add SqlFormatter to the require section of composer.json Otherwise, Download from Github and include lib/SqlFormatter.php in your project. Example Usage The following example formats and highlights a really complex SQL statement. <?

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(b.t_create, '%Y-%c-%d') dateID, b.title memo FROM ( SELECT id FROM orc_scheme_detail d WHERE = 208 AND d.type IN ( 29, 30, 31, 321, 33, 34, 3542, 361, 327, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 431, 4422, 415, 4546, 47, 48, 'a', 29, 30, 31, 321, 33, 34, 3542, 361, 327, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 431, 4422, 415, 4546, 47, 48, 'a' ) AND d.title IS NOT NULL AND t_create >= DATE_FORMAT( ( DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) ), '%Y-%c-%d' ) AND t_create < DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y-%c-%d') ORDER BY LIMIT 2, 10 ) a, orc_scheme_detail b WHERE = Format Only (No Syntax Highlighting) <?

SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE id = 46 <? Pretty Diff - The difference tool. CSVJSON - CSVJSON.


HTMLHint. Introduction - Material Design - Google design guidelines. JS NICE: Statistical renaming, Type inference and Deobfuscation. RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx. A web application to quickly build bulletproof HTML emails. Gocircuit/escher. WebRTC. CMS. Esoteric. CSS. WebGL. Web Audio. Javascript. Bootstrap. jQuery. Node.js.