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How to add USB to radio controlled sockets « befinitiv. Radio controlled sockets are a great way to save power in your home. Devices consuming more power on standby than the sockets do can easily be switched off with a remote. For example my desk lamp from a swedish furniture store consumes 10x more power (in the off state) than a radio controlled socket. Even if the sockets consume more power in standby than the attached electronic device, they offer the luxury of turning stuff off and on without even moving. In short: They are really handy. However, if you’ve installed the sockets, one sentence will often reoccur: Where the f*** is my remote?

The goal of this post is to show you a way of adding USB support to remote controlled sockets. This opens up a whole new world to remote controlled sockets. This first post will show you how to do the hardware modifications to the remote control. Used components: Remote controlled sockets setAT Mega 8Nokia CA-42 Data cable The Nokia data cable contains a pl2302 USB-to-serial chip from prolific.

Like this: » Adding web connectivity (via USB) to remote controlled sockets – Part 1 (hardware) Jake Rowan Byrne. This project page provides a guide to adding both USB and a Web based User Interface (UI) to remote control socket set. In the process we will unlock even more capabilities than are available when you use the socket set as they were originally intended. Part 1 (this post) deals with the hardware, Part 2 deals with programming the chip and Web UI.

It essentially builds upon this blog by [befinitiv] Radio controlled sockets are a great way to save power in your home. Devices consuming more power on standby than the sockets do can easily be switched off with a remote. For example my desk lamp from a swedish furniture store consumes 10x more power (in the off state) than a radio controlled socket.Even if the sockets consume more power in standby than the attached electronic device, they offer the luxury of turning stuff off and on without even moving. The main components are: As [befinitiv] mentions the CA-42 Cable is used because it contains a serial to USB chip. Blog » Blog Archive » Finger print sensor with Arduino. Blaise Jarrett's Portfolio. This project enables your microcontroller to communicate in real time to a web browser. I started this project after seeing a similar implementation on hackaday from Their implementation uses their own device, the mbed Cortex-M0 beta.

I've been a hobbyist microchip PIC developer for a few years, so I set out to write my own version for microchip's 8bit pic devices in C. The microcontroller used is a microchip PIC18F4620. The wifi module used is a Roving Networks RN-XV. My dev board: WebSockets is a new protocol of being standardized by the IETF. The client: implements a relatively old version of websockets. The server: I wanted to run my own custom server, so I took a look at wiki's Comparison of WebSocket Implementations and chose to use Autobahn for my server software. For control applications the server needs to function like this: The device broadcasts to all browsers, the browsers only talks to the device The server used is Autobahn.

The port is set in main. Microcontroller Projects: Nokia 1100 LCD Interfacing with Microcontroller. Displaying content on a normal alphanumeric display is very limited ,we have to be limited with the font size and we can't draw any graphics also. but convention Graphics lcd are really very expensive so here is the solution, you can use Nokia 1100 monochrome LCD to display your large font text and graphics . the reason behind using this LCD is ,it is really very cheap and can be powered with 3 volts supply. so it is really good for battery powered application.

Driver IC on this LCD panel is PCF8814 which even though has I2C protocol support - doesn't use it. Instead it uses simple bit-banging mechanism for communication. Project Description however you can use almost any microcontroller (need a little bit extra circuit to work with mcu who doesn't support 3v) do display content on this LCD, may be that micro controller is PIC , AVR or MSP 430 ,8051 but in this demonstration we will be using Microchip PIC 18F458 Microcontroller. About LCD:- Addressing Mode Vertical addressing Mode 1. 5. 6. Adding USB connectivity to old benchtop tools. Improving the Beginner’s PID – Introduction « Project Blog. In conjunction with the release of the new Arduino PID Library I’ve decided to release this series of posts. The last library, while solid, didn’t really come with any code explanation. This time around the plan is to explain in great detail why the code is the way it is.

I’m hoping this will be of use to two groups of people: People directly interested in what’s going on inside the Arduino PID library will get a detailed explanation. Anyone writing their own PID algorithm can take a look at how I did things and borrow whatever they like. It’s going to be a tough slog, but I think I found a not-too-painful way to explain my code. The Beginner’s PID Here’s the PID equation as everyone first learns it: This leads pretty much everyone to write the following PID controller: Compute() is called either regularly or irregularly, and it works pretty well.

Sample Time – The PID algorithm functions best if it is evaluated at a regular interval. UPDATE: In all the code examples I’m using doubles. Why pay for Serial LCDs when you can make your own? RF Link Receiver - 4800bps (315MHz) 315Mhz RF link kit [WLS105B5B] - $4.90. RF Link Transmitter - 315MHz. 315Mhz RF link kits - with encoder and decoder [WLS106B5B] - $9.50. 433Mhz RF link kit [WLS107B4B] - $4.90. Hello, I need to broadcast sensor values (16 bits), to several receivers at the same time, 10 times per second (it means 10 messages of 16 bits per seconde). is it possible to use that 433 Mhz RF link for that ?

Or does it take more than 100ms to send a message ? Thank you very much, Arnaud Hi, I purchased 3 units, but the range is very limited (i get less than 10m in direct sight of view). Will i gain more range if i set the transmission speed to 1200 bpm ? Or even 600 bpm ? Thank you I would like to add an external antenna pigtail and connector to the transmitter and receiver. What is the maximum baudrate i can use safely in this product? Hi, the maximum baudrate is 4,800 bps. Answered by. Partlist Wednesday: NPN transistors. Every Wednesday we highlight a component from the updated partlist. This week: NPN transistors Transistors do lots of analog tricks, but we only use them to switch high powered stuff with a weak microcontroller pin.

Usually an LED. See the IR Toy, #twatch, PICqueno, or USB POV Toy for the sad truth. We’ve standardized on the BC818 for most stuff. If you’re choosing a substitute part be sure to check the pinout. Verify your schematic and footprints too. For a bigger load, or a continuous load where an SOT-23 package gets hot, we’d go for something similar in SOT-223. This is meant as a summary of what we use, not an essay on transistors. RGB Accent Lighting with Remote Control. Our good friend Tod Kurt, of ThingM, shows how to control a strip of RGB LEDs using the BlinkM MaxM driver and a FreeM IR remote receiver. I used some similar strip lighting and a MaxM for a friend’s Halloween costume, and really liked being able to program the blink pattern via Arduino. The addition of an IR remote opens up interesting possibilities. Invisible Accent Light with BlinkM MaxM & FreeM Related.