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Jolicloud. Tagging and Folksonomies - Definitions. Harmony search. In computer science and operations research, harmony search (HS) is a phenomenon-mimicking algorithm (also known as metaheuristic algorithm, soft computing algorithm or evolutionary algorithm) inspired by the improvisation process of musicians proposed by Zong Woo Geem in 2001.

Harmony search

In the HS algorithm, each musician (= decision variable) plays (= generates) a note (= a value) for finding a best harmony (= global optimum) all together. Proponents claim the following merits:[citation needed] HS does not require differential gradients, thus it can consider discontinuous functions as well as continuous functions.HS can handle discrete variables as well as continuous variables.HS does not require initial value setting for the variables.HS is free from divergence.HS may escape local optima.HS may overcome the drawback of GA's building block theory which works well only if the relationship among variables in a chromosome is carefully considered.

Basic harmony search algorithm[edit] ) as many as. The Standard for Influence. The Standard for Asshattery. Yesterday, Twitter announced a few changes to their API.

The Standard for Asshattery

They’re steadily squeezing out third-party clients like Tweetbot, Echofon and Dabr, and they’re removing unauthenticated API calls. The latter means that every Twitter app, no matter how minor, will require a “Sign in with Twitter” button.