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Jsr-305 - JSR 305: Annotations for Software Defect Detection in Java. Guava. jOOQ is a fluent API for typesafe SQL query. Joor - Fluent Reflect API. Dynamic Proxies. Dynamic proxies provide an alternate, dynamic mechanism for implementing many common design patterns, including the Facade, Bridge, Interceptor, Decorator, Proxy (including remote and virtual proxies), and Adapter patterns.

Dynamic Proxies

While all of these patterns can be easily implemented using ordinary classes instead of dynamic proxies, in many cases the dynamic proxy approach is more convenient and compact and can eliminate a lot of handwritten or generated classes. The Proxy pattern The Proxy pattern involves the creation of a "stub" or "surrogate" object, whose purpose is to accept requests and forward them to another object that actually does the work.

The Proxy pattern is used by Remote Method Invocation (RMI) to make an object executing in another JVM appear like a local object; by Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) to add remote invocation, security, and transaction demarcation; and by JAX-RPC Web services to make remote services appear as local objects. Back to top. Reflection Module - FEST. LambdaJ. Op4j. Project Lombok. ANTLR Parser Generator. The AspectJ Project.