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SEO. Creative SEO. InstantRankmeter: Check your website position in the major searc. PageRank sculpting. People think about PageRank in lots of different ways. People have compared PageRank to a “random surfer” model in which PageRank is the probability that a random surfer clicking on links lands on a page. Other people think of the web as an link matrix in which the value at position (i,j) indicates the presence of links from page i to page j.

In that case, PageRank corresponds to the principal eigenvector of that normalized link matrix. Disclaimer: Even when I joined the company in 2000, Google was doing more sophisticated link computation than you would observe from the classic PageRank papers. If you believe that Google stopped innovating in link analysis, that’s a flawed assumption. Although we still refer to it as PageRank, Google’s ability to compute reputation based on links has advanced considerably over the years. I’ll do the rest of my blog post in the framework of “classic PageRank” but bear in mind that it’s not a perfect analogy. Q: Why tell us now? Google Ranking Factors - SEO Checklist. Search Engine Ranking Factors. Google I/O 2009 - Search Friendly Development. Death to Content Farms: Google Tweaks Algorithm to Find More “High-Quality Sites” — NewsGrange.

Google today made a major change to its search algorithm that will affect almost 12% of all queries. According to a blog post written by the company’s Amit Singhal and Matt Cutts, this change is meant to highlight high-quality sites and push down “sites which are low-value add for users, copy content from other websites or sites that are just not very useful.” While Google doesn’t mention content farms by name, there can be little doubt that this update is directly aimed at them and scraper sites that just copy content. According to Google, this update doesn’t take any data from the Personal Blocklist Chrome extension into account, yet. The update does track well with the top blocked sites by Google’s users, though.

Indeed, Google says the update addresses 84% of them, though it didn’t go into any details as to which sites specifically would be affected. For now, this change is only in effect in the U.S. Image credit: pawpaw67. Référencement Bing : tout ce qu’il faut savoir pour réussir. Par Olivier Duffez, Mercredi 29 juillet 2009 Depuis le lancement de Bing le 1er Juin 2009, vous cherchez peut-être à améliorer le référencement de votre site sur Bing Search, le nouveau moteur de recherche de Microsoft. Pour compléter les premiers conseils aux webmasters pour Bing, voici un premier guide du référencement sur Bing. Il est issu pour l'instant essentiellement des conseils officiels de Microsoft, mais il sera complété par la suite. Bonne lecture ! Guide d'optimisation du référencement dans Bing, par WebRankInfo (Olivier Duffez) Referencement Bing : optimisation on page Balise title Balise meta description Bien qu'elle ne soit pas utilisée dans l'algorithme de classement, elle peut servir à Bing pour afficher le snippet (petit descriptif de chaque résultat).

Balise meta keywords N'espérez pas grand chose de cette balise pour améliorer le classement... Autres balises meta Voici d'autres meta tags utilisés par Bing : Mise en avant de certains mots dans la page Bing Formalisme des URL. SEO for Startups: Top 7 Lessons + A Trip to YCombinator. Last week, while in London, I received an email from Paul Graham, whom I've long admired, possibly even idolized a bit. He asked if I was available to come speak at a YCombinator SEO event in Mountain View. Tonight, I presented at that evented and thought I'd share my experiences, recommendations and yes, my presentation. Not everything that was discussed is public, in fact, much of it is "classified" at YC's request. However, there's so much good material that it would be criminal not to share.

First up, my presentation from the YCombinator SEO for Startups event (naturally, hosted on YC company and prior SEOmoz consulting client, Scribd): SEO for Startups: YCombinator February 2010 Next, since it's hard to do any slide deck justice with just the slides, a list of top advice and recommendations, not just from the slide deck, but from many years of interactions, consulting and Q+A help for startups: SEO as a Strategy, not a Tactic Yelp uses SEO as a strategy.


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