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Discover, access, and preserve your loved one's digital estate. 5 Steps to Creating Your Digital Estate Plan. Will drawn up?

5 Steps to Creating Your Digital Estate Plan

Check. Trusts created for the kids? Check. Planning for the Final Logoff With a Social Media Will. How and Why You Should Write a Social Media Will. Social media is a part of daily life, but what happens to the online content that you created once you die?

How and Why You Should Write a Social Media Will

If you have social media profiles set up online, you should create a statement of how you would like your online identity to be handled. Just like a traditional will helps your survivors handle your physical belongings, a social media will spells out how you want your online identity to be handled. Like with a traditional will, you’ll need to appoint someone you trust as an online executor. This person will be responsible for closing your email addresses, social media profiles, and blogs after you are deceased.