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I ♥ wireframes. Design thinking. Design thinking stands for design-specific cognitive activities that designers apply during the process of designing.[1] Overview[edit] Design thinking has come to be defined as combining empathy for the context of a problem, creativity in the generation of insights and solutions, and rationality in analyzing and fitting various solutions to the problem context.[2] According to Tim Brown, CEO and president of IDEO, the goal of Design Thinking is "matching people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and viable as a business strategy" [3] The premise of teaching Design Thinking is that by knowing about how designers approach problems and the methods which they use to ideate, select and execute solutions, individuals and businesses will be better able to improve their own problem solving processes and take innovation to a higher level.

Origins of the term[edit] (For a detailed evolution, see History, below.) Solution-based thinking[edit] Bryan Lawson Architects vs. Lawson found that: Website Usability Checkliste » webhelps! Online Marketing Blog. Eine Checkliste zur Website Usability bzw. Benutzerfreundlichkeit von Webseiten? Warum ist in benutzerfreundliche Webseiten zu investieren? Sie verkaufen besser! Den Besuchern werden weniger Hürden in den Weg gelegt, um zum Kauf/Lead-Abschluss zu gelangen.

Anbei eine Anleitung, um die eigene Website in wenigen Minuten auf Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu überprüfen. Alles klar? Die Website Usability Checkliste ist in vier Teile untergliedert: (1) Zugänglichkeit, (2) Identifizierung, (3) Navigation und (4) Inhalt. (1) Zugänglichkeit Dieser Teil der Website Usability Checkliste enthält Tipps, wie Sie die Besucher länger auf Ihrer Webpage halten können, ohne einen großen Aufwand zu betreiben.

Angemessene Ladezeit Wenn es eine Ewigkeit dauert bis eine Seite geladen ist, verlassen die Nutzer die Webpage. Kontrast zwischen Text und Hintergrund Dunkelgrauer Text auf einem hellgrauen Hintergrund mag stilvoll sein, ist jedoch nur schwer zu lesen. . (2) Identifizierung (3) Navigation (4) Inhalt 5 Kommentare » Top 10 Mistakes in Web Design. Web Style Guide, 2nd Edition. Jakob Nielsen on Usability and Web Design. Don Norman's / user advocacy and human-centered design. 9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design.

The Principles of Design. The web professional's online magazine of choice. In: Columns > Design in Theory and Practice By Joshua David McClurg-Genevese Published on June 13, 2005 Starting with the Basics This column is about Web design—really, it is—though it may at times seem a bit distant and distracted. In my opinion, any good discussion about design begins with the fundamentals.

Almost by definition, the primary tenets around which any field is based are universal: they can be applied to a variety of disciplines in a variety of ways. We can group all of the basic tenets of design into two categories: principles and elements. Web design is a relatively new profession compared to other forms of design, due to the youth of our medium. How Does Web Design Fit In? I tend to define Web design as being one of many disciplines within the larger field of design (a peer to print design, industrial design, interior design, etc.). The Principles of Design There are many basic concepts that underly the field of design. Rhythm. Url's Internet Cafe. The Classroom. 10 Principles Of Effective Web Design - Smashing UX Design.

Advertisement Usability and the utility, not the visual design, determine the success or failure of a web-site. Since the visitor of the page is the only person who clicks the mouse and therefore decides everything, user-centric design has become a standard approach for successful and profit-oriented web design. After all, if users can’t use a feature, it might as well not exist. We aren’t going to discuss the implementation details (e.g. where the search box should be placed) as it has already been done in a number of articles; instead we focus on the main principles, heuristics and approaches for effective web design — approaches which, used properly, can lead to more sophisticated design decisions and simplify the process of perceiving presented information. Please notice that you might be interested in the usability-related articles about 10 Usability Nightmares1 and 30 Usability Issues2 we’ve published before,we’ll cover more principles of effective design in our following posts. 1.

Web Site Accessibility Tutorials, Webpage Accessibility Books, Articles, CSS and Accessibility - Web Site Resources, Website Tips - WebsiteTips. This section includes annotated links to helpful Web accessibility articles and tutorials, Web sites or sections devoted to Web accessibility, and recommended books on Web accessibility. Tutorials include CSS and accessibility, creating accessible PDF files, accessible DHTML and multimedia, Web accessibility for visual impairments, Web sites devoted to Web accessibility, and more. You'll also find articles on why Web site accessibility matters, along with helpful Web accessibility books that go into a great deal of detail about how to create and implement Web sites with accessibility in mind. For U.S. Web accessibility compliance requirements, see also Section 3: Section 508 and ADA here at Do you know of some good articles, tutorials, tips, Web sites, books, or other resources related to Web site accessibility?

Recommendations are welcome and encouraged! Accessibility Articles and Tutorials Know of others? Accessibility Articles top ‘On this page’ menu CSS and Accessibility. Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design.