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(Saving...) Getting Started with the STM32F4 and GCC - Preface Hi.

(Saving...) Getting Started with the STM32F4 and GCC -

Overview of this guide This guide explains how to get a fully working ARM-GCC toolchain working under Ubuntu Linux, and provides makefiles that are specifically targeted towards the STM32F4 series of microcontrollers. Unfortunately, to load the code on the board, a windows computer (or VM) is needed. I am investigating linux based tools but I am yet to get one working. One important aspect of this guide is that the compiler is built with hardfloat support. Assumed background To follow this guide, you should already know how to navigate and run commands within the linux terminal. . $ apt-get moo means put “apt-get moo” in your favourite terminal software (or any terminal software really…). A special note for those who have not previously used ARM microcontrollers Most microcontroller systems have very tight integration between the CPU and the on-chip peripherals due to the manufacturer designing and producing both subsystems.

Stage 1: Build a Toolchain $ git clone $ . ~/.profile. Benjamin's robotics. Post updated 2015-05-27 Update about this update: There are no assembled ESCs left.

Benjamin's robotics

However, If you are interested in assembled VESCs you can still send me an email as described below so that I can put you on my extra list. If someone changes their mind or if there are other problems, I can send you VESCs that get left. I have ordered 100 assembled VESCs and they will arrive this or next week. I don’t need all of them, so I will sell some of them for 115€ + shipping. I will update this information in the coming days, so make sure to check if there are updates. Because I have made many updates to my custom motor controller recently and the old post is getting confusing with notes and updates, I decided to write a new post about it that hopefully is more clear, more complete and easier to follow.

This is an overview of the schematic (download a complete PDF here): This is the front of the PCB: The back: 3D render from KiCad: Some screenshots of the configuration GUI (BLDC Tool): Continue reading. Elia's Electronics Blog. Nokia 5110 Display Lib for STM32 GCC. The IFALT32 v2.0 support the Nokia 5110 LCD module, it provide you a inexpensive and simple display options instead of using the ITDB02 TFT LCD module.

Nokia 5110 Display Lib for STM32 GCC

Here we release a simple display library for the IFLAT32 with 5110 LCD, it provide you some basic display function. Functions: void LCD5110_init(void) Initial the 5110 LCD hardware, use this function at the top of your mail code. void LCD5110_write_char(unsigned char c) Display one Character on 5110 LCD. void LCD5110_write_char_reg(unsigned char c) Display one Character on 5110 LCD, with inverted color. void LCD5110_clear(void); Clear the screen. void LCD5110_set_XY(unsigned char X,unsigned char Y) Set the display position. void LCD5110_write_string(char *s) Display string.

And here is a simple demo code for how to use these functions. Download the library here: Nokia 5110 LCD Display Library for STM32 GCC (3.2 KiB, 480 hits) Andygock/glcd.