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:: Product - Principles. Structural. PARAMETRIC. Rhino. Rhino/Grasshopper. Product Design. 37 All About Brands. Web. Visual-storytelling. The Ulm School. The Ulm School of Design was founded in 1953 by Inge Aicher-Scholl, Otl Aicher and Max Bill, with the main task of incorporate design into industry and to shape our material culture. In the post-war years, the process was marked by a crisis of values and resources, and this fact drove the Ulm School to re-think the meaning of creating forms in the contemporary world and to democratize the access to design.

The exhibition explores the concept of "system", related with a set of rationally components capable of generating an object, and also the systematic approach of the school, which included for the first time, the integration of science and art. The importance of the Ulm School in the history of design comes from the strict methodology they imposed on project development. Focusing on an inter-disciplinary work and objective design analysis, it rejected design as an artistic activity and spread through industry to all walks of life. Top: Dieter Rams, Braun TP1, Portable radio, 1959. Strategy by Design. It's remarkable how often business strategy, the purpose of which is to direct action toward a desired outcome, leads to just the opposite: stasis and confusion. Strategy should bring clarity to an organization; it should be a signpost for showing people where you, as their leader, are taking them--and what they need to do to get there. But the tools executives traditionally use to communicate strategy--spreadsheets and PowerPoint decks--are woefully inadequate for the task.

You have to be a supremely engaging storyteller if you rely only on words, and there aren't enough of those people out there. What's more, words are highly open to interpretation--words mean different things to different people, especially when they're sitting in different parts of the organization. The result: In an effort to be relevant to a large, complicated company, strategy often gets mired in abstractions.

Because it's pictorial, design describes the world in a way that's not open to many interpretations.


Toys. Style. 3D. Graphics. Design-Magazines. BluePrints.