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Code Magazine. FILE Magazine - Unexpected Photography. BEAST Magazine – The Bible of inspiration. Untitled. A fresh look at the motion graphics. Multilink. NNM Studio NoName Magazine. THE END! Ruby mag ruby mag ruby mag. The KDU : Strategy + Marketing + Design. World Paradigm Collection Single artist collaborations have become cliche – almost dominating certain industry segments for the last 5 years.

The KDU : Strategy + Marketing + Design

The KDU teamed up with Portland Footwear and Fashion company RYZ to push the envelope of the artist collaboration. Ultimately, 21 KDU artists from around the world produced original designs. From this single talent platform, countries such as Poland, England, Argentina, China, Canada, Indonesia, Australia, Germany, Korea Norway, Guatemala and America were represented, making this the largest single Footwear x Art collaboration to date.

Design, Art, Music, Culture, Creativity. Sphere Magazine. BREED Magazine. *.* bitFUUL Magazine : Photography, Art, Design, Music, Culture, and Fava Beans *.* Castle-Magazine. REVOLUTIONART MAGAZINE - Download free Art & Design Magazines. Rootmagazine. Komma – Kommunikationsdesign aus Mannheim. Destructed Magazine - Free pdf magazines - - Your PDF mag’s magazine. Ideas: Catalogs. The ABC of Architects by Andrea Stinga and Federico Gonzalez. This animation by architect Andrea Stinga and graphic designer Federico Gonzalez depicts the best-known buildings of 26 famous architects, one for each letter of the alphabet.

The ABC of Architects by Andrea Stinga and Federico Gonzalez

Starting with Alvar Aalto's Säynätsalo Town Hall, The ABC of Architects flashes through an assortment of colourful cartoon buildings that includes Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Bilbao and Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye, before finishing up with Zaha Hadid's Pierres Vives. "This work is an alphabetical list of the most important architects with their best known building," explain the producers. "A lot of them have been left out with grief because we only need one for each letter and it's been an effort to have different nationalities. " Blueprint Magazine - Architecture & Design. Artwork Showcase from Global Designers - International Visual Arts E-Magazine. A List Apart.

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