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Using Check Constraints to Validate Data in SQL Server. One of the key goals when building applications is to make sure the data you enter into the database meets all your business rules. Data validation is a critical part of your application to ensure your data meets the requirements developed by your business analysts. There are a number of different processes that can be used to make sure your data validates against your business rules. Data validate rules can be enforced within your application code in the application layer; or data can be validated by the database engine. Depending on your validation, rule requirement will determine where and how you will need to build your application to ensure your data is properly validated. In this article, I’m going to discuss how you can use database “check constraints” to validate your data within the SQL Server database engine. What is a check constraint?

A check constraint is a rule that identifies acceptable column values for data in a row within a SQL Server table. Data Types. SQL CREATE DATABASE Statement. T-SQL 101: Views. SQL Server Text type v.s. varchar data type. MS SQL :: VarChar Size Limitation. Ok guys - I don't understand why you guys are giving up on this topic. I to was looking for a way to store huge amounts of text into a single sql 7 column.

I went through alot of grief to get my solution solved. I know there are others ways to do it, but think why did Microsoft include ntext and text as datatypes in sql 7? Do you think they were making it up - NO Here is my solution and I hope it helps: CREATE PROCEDURE test @vchOption1 varchar(255) = null, @vchOption2 varchar(255) = null, @vchOption3 ntext = null, @vchOption4 varchar(255) = nullASbegin declare @a int begin select @a = iCategoryId from lookuptable where vchCategory = @vchOption2 insert into sometable(iCompanyId, iCategoryId, tNotes, dtInsertDate, dtUpdateDate) values(cast(@vchOption1 as int), @a, '', getdate(), getdate()) EXEC sp_dboption '????

' declare @tpointer binary(16) select @tpointer = textptr(tNotes) from sometable where iNoteId = @@IDENTITY writetext sometable.tNotes @tpointer @vchOption3 EXEC sp_dboption '???? ' end. SQL Server Stored Procedure Basics > Stored Procedure Primer. Learn the basics of writing stored procedures, monitor stored procedure activity using the Profiler utility, and learn from several real-world stored procedure programming issues. Ken Henderson also touches on many of the nuances and quirks in Transact-SQL, and how to use them to your advantage and/or how to work around them as appropriate.

This sample chapter is excerpted from The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML. Today, average software development practices are becalmed in a windless sea of code-and-fix programming—a kind of flat-earth approach to software development that was proven ineffective 20 years ago. Working from the assumption that the human brain learns by associating new data with what it already knows, we'll spend this chapter building a base framework onto which we can assemble the knowledge conveyed by the remainder of the book. This chapter serves to prime the discussion on SQL Server stored procedure programming.

Microsoft SQL Server Tutorials.