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Blogger. Earn Over the Web » Blog Archive » Explorer Destroyer: Earn money by recommending Firefox. I’m going to assume that all of you have heard of Firefox, and that most of you use Firefox. If you don’t, you may have noticed already that when you visit this site in IE, you get a message at the top of the page suggesting that you switch to Firefox. This message is courtesy of a script called Explorer Destroyer. Here’s how it works: Script autodetects IEDisplays switch splash screen to IE usersSwitches people to FirefoxThree levels of seriousnessGoogle gives you referral money for switchesInfuriates Microsoft Essentially, you download the script, insert your adsense ID, and add it to your site.

Personally, I would recommend using level 1. If you haven’t already switched to Firefox, I would highly recommend it. Blog Law » 12 Important U.S. Laws Every Blogger Needs to Know. What Do You Do When Someone Steals Your Content. Having been the target of copyright thieves, and working with writers, authors, and photographers on copyright protection and laws for over 25 years, I thought I’d talk a little about what to do when someone steals your content. First, you noticed that I didn’t say “if” someone steals your content. That was on purpose. With the glut of information on the Internet, it’s now a matter of “when” not “if”.

The first step in learning about what you can do when someone steals your content is to know that it will happen, so the more prepared and informed you are, the better your chances of prevention and having a plan in place when they steal. As the number of websites and blogs grow, especially splogs, the demand for content puts more pressure on website administrators, who may resort to stealing content in order to fill space on their sites and attract traffic. But there is something about a writer, poet, composer, and photographer that makes people expect their work needs no compensation. Mandarin Design DailyThe MEG Blog. Booman Tribune ~ Boo! St. Petersblog.