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Game of Thrones

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Tower of the Hand ~ An Encyclopedia of Ice and Fire. Game of Thrones Interactive Map: Are You Ready for Clash of Kings? 'Game of Thrones' for Dummies. HBO's new fantasy series Game of Thrones creates a massive world with its own jargon and a ton of characters—Jace Lacob's glossary and character gallery explain all! For the uninitiated, Game of Thrones can be confusing. Based on the long, plot-heavy novels by George R.R. Martin, the HBO show (premiering Sunday at 9 p.m. EDT) is bursting with more characters and settings than you can swing a broadsword at. Game of Thrones is a political potboiler crossed with the essence of medieval legend, as ambitious and power-hungry lords and ladies vie for the throne, unleashing a violent and dangerous game that threatens the tenuous peace of this feudal society.

The world of Martin's novels—which contain maps, character lineages, and a slew of appendices to keep readers on the right path—is a complicated one, containing separate and sometimes interconnected storylines, told from varying perspectives, that reward paying strict attention. Click the Image for a Guide to Game of Thrones' Key Characters. Blog Of Thrones. There’s a scene in Silver Linings Playbook, one of last year’s big Oscar contenders, in which Bradley Cooper’s mentally unstable character, Pat Solitano, is reading Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms. He ends up tossing the book through a window, following with a rant about the unnecessary heartbreak that plays out near the end of the oft-assigned reading for high schoolers. It’s bullshit, he shouts in the wee hours of the morning (I’m paraphrasing, of course). Why should an otherwise heroic and heartwarming story end with such agony?

Mental instability aside, I know that feeling. I remember it vividly. My moment occurred similar to that of the fictional Pat, both happened in the wee hours of the morning and both involved throwing a book violently in disgust with a particular turn of events. The only difference, of course, is that I don’t look much like Bradley Cooper.

Game of Thrones Wiki. A Wiki of Ice and Fire.