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KICKSTARTER RELATED. Kicking Up Money for Food Writing Projects. More than half of the projects posted on Kickstarter fail, and the outlook's even worse for visionaries trying to crowd fund their culinary dreams: Music, film and art projects, which naturally lend themselves to the online video solicitation format, are far more likely than food projects to attract backers. There's a frightening amount of floundering in Kickstarter's food section. Right now, you can support a doggy dessert cookbook; a mobile spin-off of a Korean barbecue restaurant in Cherry Hill, N.J., and a wings-and-waffle joint in Frisco, Tex. As of last week, almost nobody else had. But Seattle food writer Matthew Amster-Burton recently funded his Tokyo travel memoir in a matter of days, defying the odds and his own expectations. Amster-Burton has cultivated an enthusiastic band of followers through his writings and podcasts, but concedes he couldn't have achieved full funding if he'd relied on friends and diehard fans alone.

First, Amster-Burton thought carefully about his ask. Stonemaier Games » Kickstarter Lesson #21: Kicktraq. By Jamey Stegmaier Many of you have heard of Kicktraq and know all about it. If so, this post might not add much value. But I don’t want to assume that everyone knows about Kicktraq–honestly, probably only a small percentage of people do. (That in itself is a good reminder for all of use Kickstarter creators–don’t assume that your backers know Kickstarter terminology, resources, and etiquette as well as you do.)

Kicktraq is the brainchild of Adam Clark, who happens to be on Stonemaier Games’ advisory board (I asked him if we could occasionally pick his brain, because if he’s brilliant enough to come up with Kicktraq, his is a brain worth picking). Adam did something really cool with Kicktraq in that he designed it so you never actually have to go to Kicktraq’s website. Based on what I heard on Richard Bliss’ “Funding the Dream” podcast, the earliest time you can look at a Kicktraq chart and get an accurate read is about 9 days into a project. Next: The Money-Back Guarantee and Trust. Technology NewsHow to look up your Kickstarter transactions » The first item that I ever funded on the crowd funding platform Kickstarter finally shipped to my location.

I funded it back in December 2011 shortly after taking note of Kickstarter for the first time. It is a board game that sounded like a great addition to my collection and while it was delayed several times, its author got his act together and the package was on its way from the US all the way to Germany. I received a notification from German customs yesterday that the package did not contain information about the price that I paid for it, and that I had to provide them with information about that before they would release it.

I checked the Kickstarter website only to find out that the information provided on it were not really that useful at all. While it highlighted how much I pledged, it did not really offer any information about the payment processing itself. The question that came up now was where I could look those information up. Kickstarter Relaunch: A Learning Experience | Casual Game Revolution. The Dream Two years ago I had a dream. It was Saturday morning and this dream happened right before waking, so I was able to lay there thinking about it. It was a concept for a card game. I had never developed a game before so this was new territory for me, but by that afternoon my wife and I were playing the game on a grid that we drew up on a big piece of paper, and forming the rules.

We kept playing it and by the end of the weekend we had a game that seemed to be engaging and fun. I soon began making efforts to contact game companies and tried to interest them in our game. We made a big effort to contact various game companies, trying to find one that would like to evaluate the game and consider publishing it. The Launch Then along came Kickstarter. It takes a lot of money to launch a physical (non-electronic) game. You see, we are not completely set on the self-publishing approach. The Failure The Answers The Relaunch The Game The deuces are special (hence the name of the game).

'Veronica Mars' film a go, thanks to a kick from Kickstarter. Veronica Mars Kickstarter mission offers lessons to startups. Veronica Mars Kickstarter mission offers lessons to startups Facebook | Twitter | Email | Instapaper Rick SpenceFriday, Mar. 15, 2013 On March 13 Rob Thomas, the creator of the teen private eye drama Veronica Mars, went on Kickstarter, the U.S. -based fundraising site, to announce his plan to produce a movie based on the series. The CW Network In the age of Kickstarter, anything is possible. My daughter, a media studies master’s student specializing in studying “fandom,” has been telling me for years that the rising power of fan communities is changing the balance of power in the entertainment industries.

Until now. On March 13 Rob Thomas, the creator of the teen private eye drama Veronica Mars, went on Kickstarter, the U.S. [kickstarter url= width=620] They set a goal of raising $2-million within 30 days. Then the fans got hold of it. Understand: the fans are not investing in the movie. And so on. . - Value matters. Kickstart this book! What I learned about crowdsourced publishing. So, you want to Kickstart a book?

In August 2012, our company Book Riot successfully funded a $25,000 Kickstarter campaign for “Start Here: Read Your Way Into 25 Amazing Authors,” a survey of works from a wide range of genres, from classics to contemporary fiction to comics (you can buy it here!). It was a learning experience, and one that Book Riot will certainly repeat. That said, lest anyone think crowdsourcing is the path to instant publishing fame, dust off your business, promotion, and logistics skills and read on for our experience. The bottom line is that you better prepare to get scrappy. Step 1: The Business One of the primary advantages of Kickstarter is that it provides a platform to test the viability of a project with nominal upfront cost – the marketer in me loves this.

To start, determine your rewards. Kickstarter emphasizes keeping the rewards to the product, and we included a couple of “related” rewards. You must embrace your inner newsie, and not just repeat “Extra! S.T. VanAirsdale » The Veronica Mars Kickstarter Problem, and Ours. Oh, to be Rob Thomas this morning. Six years after the writer/producer’s cult-darling TV series Veronica Mars was canceled by network executives at the CW, Thomas’ attempt to reboot the series as a feature film has become a historic success at the crowdsourcing website Kickstarter.

In just 11 hours on Wednesday, the movie project reached its $2 million funding goal, prompting Thomas and the show’s star Kristen Bell to issue their gratitude on Twitter and Kickstarter. As of 9 a.m. PDT, the Veronica Mars film had pulled in $2,672,000 from just more than 44,000 backers, with 29 days still remaining before the campaign ends. Now comes the real work. Now come the rewards. The organizers have also committed to renting five theaters in five different $5,000 backers’ hometowns ("or a town near you") for private screenings that will host up to 50 people apiece. Sometimes it can’t. To be clear, I wouldn’t classify Rob Thomas or the Veronica Mars movie with any of these problem projects. Donate without reward. How to Get Funded on Kickstarter. True To Its Roots: Why Kickstarter Won't Sell.