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Darpan Jha - Storyteller

He finally took the key steps towards his dream of storytelling. The whole journey from a corporate career to writing has been a rollercoaster experience for him. Darpan graduated in Commerce from Delhi University and did an Executive Program in Business Management from IIM Kolkata. An enthralling work experience of more than 14 years includes not only his corporate stint but also his experiments with entrepreneurship. He is a specialist in Risk Management, Compliance and Inforrmation Security domain. Throughout his life, he has been surrounded by stories and experiences, some his own, some through others. This work is a reflection of many situations, interactions, turmoils, challenges, learnings and memories accumulated along the journey. These memories got translated in tales of fiction, exploration of old and new ideas, as well as rhythmic take on life’s mysteries. He, along with his wife, Shrutee Pahuja, and two beautiful and loving daughters, Deergha and Ruhani, resides in Delhi. Visit :

Too Late - A Short Story By Darpan Jha. Approx.

Too Late - A Short Story By Darpan Jha

Reading Time – 6 mins What happens when life gives you an opportunity to repent for your actions, but takes it away at the very next moment… As I entered through the door, I saw that all had remained the way I had left it. The turmeric colored walls, the white of the bedspread reflected by the roof and the peace and quiet of the Buddhist chants reverberated in the house. Innumerable memories hit the shores of my being.

What always passes had passed- time. How could they forget me? “But that’s not fair?” “Why don’t you understand beta? I smirked inwardly at the suggestion of having to learn something from the trip. We had gotten into the car together- dad with complete nonchalance. Like any other Indian mother, she had a problem deciding who should bear the onus of this defunct family-her Children or the couple responsible for their creation. Yellow is the new Red – Darpan Jha. Approx.

Yellow is the new Red – Darpan Jha

Reading Time – 5 mins The new challan rules of 2019 surely have caused an impact in our country. But does that translate well for its people? Digi Tensed - A Opinion By Darpan Jha. Approx.

Digi Tensed - A Opinion By Darpan Jha

Reading Time – 5 mins Stress parameters keep changing with every generation. Socialising, Social media and even shopping have been voted as stress busters.Digital age has enhanced our connectivity and convenience. However, it has also helped unearth some key patterns within us. Read to know author’s take on this issue. One day, I called up one of my colleagues for some work. I have to be honest, the term quite intrigued me. I asked myself, what is it that people are really looking for, why do they act like this to regulate their emotions? This person, she is just 26-years-old! Having worked with people of all ages in my entrepreneurial journey, I often observed, in moments of stress and pressure they would seek counsel. The digital-age has definitely made an average person more connected, more aware and more intelligent. The Quantum God - Divine Poetry By Darpan Jha.


The Quantum God - Divine Poetry By Darpan Jha

Reading Time – 2 mins Everything around us conveys a message from the Universe. If we take a moment to connect with it, a spiritual transformation gets triggered. It empowers us to feel the essence of divinity around us and helps us to become a better person. He is evolving, He is experimenting, He is learning too, He is the best tutor, Our God is a Living Computer… Driven by life program, Designed by karmic software, We process action files, To take profound learnings along the way. We are nodes in the universal network, Having varied levels of receptivity, He talks with us through signs and symbols, Which are binary.

Flawless, this system – a matrix has been formed, He is the sum-total of universal consciousness, That is the true norm. Output is a function of what we key, As we sow, so shall we reap. All of us are a part of his experiments, Through which even he learns. Happiness Quotient – Darpan Jha. Approx.

Happiness Quotient – Darpan Jha

Reading Time – 7 mins A perspective on why one of the most important aspects of Human Emotions is not valued enough. Living a balanced lifestyle is not only about work and social life but also aligning with inner harmony. Penning down my introspection to demystify Happiness. Happiness – The most talked about word. A quick search on the internet and some facts emerge; India is the most depressed country in the world followed by China, USA and Brazil at the 2nd, 3rd and 4th position respectively. All the definitions of happiness have one thing in common, the use of a word called ‘State’. Have you ever really observed kids? That Girl on the Highway Final Episode - Short Stories By Darpan Jha. That Girl On The Highway Episode 2 - Short Stories By Darpan Jha. Approx.

That Girl On The Highway Episode 2 - Short Stories By Darpan Jha

Reading Time – 12 mins Confusion reigns supreme as the line between Jai and Jaime blurs for Annie. So what’s the truth and what’s the lie? Presenting the second part of the thriller, ‘That Girl on the Highway’ “I am sorry, but you can’t talk to her right now.” “She has no physical ailments. The doctor stopped Jai, signalling that it won’t be possible for him to continue anymore. “Listen, inspector, I can’t let you talk with her. “Get fit? “She can only be examined by a psychiatrist. Jai was losing patience; he had hit a roadblock. His team could not find anything about Jamie.

After a week, the doctor had finally allowed her to be examined. Jai kept staring at the desk-phone in his office as if trying to find a clue somewhere. That Girl On The Highway Episode 1 - Short Stories By Darpan Jha. Approx.

That Girl On The Highway Episode 1 - Short Stories By Darpan Jha

Reading Time – 11 mins Jai stumbled onto a murder, while Annie is trying to make sense of the world around her. As they delve deeper to untangle this web, will they be able to unravel the mystery? Presenting first of the three parts of this suspense story, ‘That Girl on the Highway’ His gaze never moved. Jai was constantly staring at what lay ahead of him. Jai usually spoke less and when he did, it was all work. “Did you read the news today?” An urgent meeting had been called. Vikram came straight to the point “Guys, our project has been put on hold due to major cost constraints, we have been asked to wait; don’t worry, you all will still be on the payroll with no impact on your job.”

Read All Short stories telling By Darpan Jha. Amazing Poetry Collections By Indian English Poet Darpan Jha.