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100 Things to Do with a Banana. How many times has someone spotted excess, overripe or just unused bananas in your kitchen and said, “uh-oh, looks like it’s time to make banana bread!”

100 Things to Do with a Banana

— as if the only things possible to do with a banana are eat it or turn it into bread? Well we say “no more.” With no particular offense meant to anyone’s banana bread recipe, we believe the humble banana is in fact as versatile as bacon or eggs, and we’ve got the internets to prove it. Here’s our carefully curated list of 100 Things to Do with a Banana (not including banana bread). Yes, we’ve got plenty of banana breakfasts and banana desserts, but how about some banana curry, banana soup or a banana martini? Click on the photos for full recipes. From Bananas to Apples, 100 things to do with apples: Sponsored Content. Banana-Oatmeal-Chocolate Chip Cookies. I haaaaaaate brown bananas.

Banana-Oatmeal-Chocolate Chip Cookies

Ick, ick ick. I like to eat bananas when they are still slightly green. If there is a single brown spot on a banana, I will not eat it because that is disgusting. Ewwwww. The problem comes when I have a banana that is slightly too green one night, so I plan on eating it the next day. The obvious solution to this problem is to make banana bread, but I saw this recipe on Taste & Tell and decided to give 'er a try.

You need: flour, rolled oats, salt, sugar, vanilla, baking soda, butter (softened), an egg, icky brown bananas, chocolate chips, and cinnamon (optional). NOTE: The one banana looks weird in this picture because it is frozen. I didn't have any chocolate chips on hand (gasp! First, cream together 3/4 cup of butter and 1 cup sugar until light and fluffy. Nutella Truffle Chocolate Chip Hazelnut Cookies. I’m almost speechless with this one.

Nutella Truffle Chocolate Chip Hazelnut Cookies

I “blame” this creation on one of my blog readers and an amazing, fantastic artist, Lisa Ernst. <- Check out her work. Anyway, somehow we were chatting about the cookie love of our lives---chocolate chip. Then she mentioned how good a cookie with a chocolate truffle in the middle would be. I was reminded of my most viewed blog post still to this date--Molten Lava Chocolate Chip Cookies (Nov. 2008). I made chocolate chip cookies in ramekins with a Dove chocolate in the middle. While chatting with Lisa, she mentioned how good it sounded to have a chocolate truffle inside a chocolate chip cookie.

I liked how the ones with the truffle on top stayed thick and truffle-like. The Nutella Truffles melted down on top of the hot cookie a little more, but it’s really good! The ones with the Nutella truffle hiding inside—like striking gold! Nutella Truffle Chocolate Chip Hazelnut Cookies, by Katrina, Baking and Boys! 1 large egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Funny lol pictures.