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LinkedIn Usage by Country, July 2013 by Link Humans. Infographic: LinkedIn Social Selling Impact (Aberdeen 2013 Report) The Art of Google+ Comments. The Future Of Social Commerce [SLIDE DECK] Social media. PR Blog – PR, Social Media & Social Media Marketing Blog from Renowned Experts – Let research tell the story on Australian social media use. Sometimes intuition is not enough. There has been much discussion on the stagnation of social media use in Australia. That people are ‘dropping off’, ‘not interested’ and ‘leaving Facebook in droves’. The numbers tell a different story. Last week Sensis released their 2013 study on Australian social media use. Social media usage continues to grow as does our love for mobile technology. Key thoughts to ponder: More than three in five Australians now use social media.67% of social media users, access it via a smart phoneWe have increased the amount of time we spend on social media.Smartphones and tablets have overtaken the laptop.One in five social media users report that they use social media to research products and services that they want to buy, up from 16% last year.58% of those that use social media to research purchases reporting that their last research resulted in a purchase, up from 40% last year.

Greatest changes our clients have experienced over the past 12 months. Social media: get ready to be underwhelmed. It’s worth wondering why so many people believed social media was so awesome for so long. Photo: AFP Over the next three weeks I’d like to share some unfortunate truths about social media. Let’s begin with a simple statement: although social media presents us with wonderful new communication options, they are not as valuable a corporate tool as you might believe. That might surprise you, given 17 per cent of Australians use Twitter and 51 per cent patronise Facebook. But delve a little deeper and it starts to get rocky, fast.

This week, I look at why Facebook and Twitter aren’t all they are cracked up to be. If you take Interbrand’s recently published list of Australia’s top 10 retail brands and then add up all the followers on Twitter of these 10 brands, you get a grand total of 59,000 Australians – or significantly less than the attendance at the MCG last week for the season opener between Carlton and Richmond.

Not too impressive and it gets worse. And even 4 per cent is over-generous. Stop Trying To “Sell” Through Social Media | Dive Marketing Tips. There is a big difference between the eCommerce website you operate and your social media feeds but too often I see people confusing what each one is for. This will prove to be a costly mistake if you keep trying to sell kit, courses or dive trips through your social media feeds.

If I Can’t Use It For Selling, Why Am I Using It? As I have mentioned in previous posts on social media, you can’t simply bombard people with information and prices and expect them to buy from you. Most of your followers on Facebook and Twitter don’t really know you. They follow you because their friends do or your page has been suggested because they are a diver. The important element of this sentence is that they don’t know you and therefore they don’t trust you enough to pull out a credit card yet. It is like a relationship, you have to build trust and understanding before you can move to the next level.

Treat Social Media Followers Like You Met Them In A Bar The approach though is totally flawed. Comments.


Twitter - tools. Social Media ROI. Social Media Marketing. Google+ LinkedIn. MITSloan_Deloitte Report - Social Business: What are companies really doing? Social media or social business? Who should “own” social media within an organisation? It’s a mark of how far businesses still have to go when a 10 second search trawl brings back literally thousands of articles still agonising over which department should take ownership of social media. After a (highly unscientific) click through the first few pages of Google, I found about 60% of the results ended up saying it was best aligned with a marketing skill set, around 30% pointed out that really it was customer services that knew most about dealing with individual enquiries. The remaining 10% put forward a more “enlightened” approach by claiming that social media was so fundamental to the future of business that it had to start with the CEO and work down from there. I agree with every one of these, the real value that brands add to a community is through content, this is natively a part of marketing, real conversations should always be between real people and our customer services team is great at that.

Beyond the Great Firewall: China's Answer to Social Networking. China's notorious Great Firewall — or as they call it, the Golden Shield — is known for blocking some high profile sites. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are all victims. But that has not kept the world's most populous country from getting into social networking. Some 500 million Chinese citizens are online and a quarter of the world's social network users live under the firewall. So how then, do the Chinese connect online? This infographic, created by G+ (not to be confused with Google+), takes a look at China's answer to social networking. In addition to blocking social networks, the Chinese government blocked some one million articles each day of 2010, shut down 1.3 million websites and the country saw 41% fewer sites total than in 2009.

SEE ALSO: China Is Taking Over the Web, and Other Internet Trends [STATS] Backing up Thraenhart's statement, a Synthesio survey says 95% of Chinese citizens say brands that microblog are at least somewhat trustworthy. 65 Terrific Social Media Infographics.