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使用 Atom 格式表达社交对象. 在 Web 中,订阅源是机器可读的内容概要,通常是按时间倒序排列的。

使用 Atom 格式表达社交对象

大多数订阅源一般用于以流行的 RSS 或基于 XML 的 Atom 格式发布博客内容。 内容一旦由一个网站发布,就可以被一个用户友好的聚合器读取,或者被网络软件产品进行转换或解析。 从 1999 年开始,联合订阅源就是通过这种方式被消费的。 然而,在最近几年,Web 用户正在使用 Facebook、MySpace 和 Twitter 等网站以更加社交化的方式消费内容。 这些网站允许人们将其他用户标记为 “朋友”,然后以统一的界面聚集朋友的活动信息。 活动流(activity stream)有时也称为生活日志(lifestream),是某个人在一个特定网站上的所有活动的信息集合。 Activity Streams 是一个发展中的标准,扩展了 Atom,用于表达社交对象。 Activity Streams 的起源 Activity Streams 起源于 DiSo Project(参见 参考资料),这是一个使用为 WordPress 博客平台开发的插件作为起点来构建分散的社交网络的开源项目。 联合发布格式是这个方法的重要组成部分。 XML 是实现这个方法的最佳技术,因为它是跨平台的,很容易发布和解析,并且不需要任何专门的技术。

FOAF Vocabulary Specification. Classes Class: foaf:Agent Agent - An agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact).

FOAF Vocabulary Specification

The Agent class is the class of agents; things that do stuff. A well known sub-class is Person, representing people. Other kinds of agents include Organization and Group. The Agent class is useful in a few places in FOAF where Person would have been overly specific. [#] [back to top] Class: foaf:Document Document - A document. The Document class represents those things which are, broadly conceived, 'documents'. The Image class is a sub-class of Document, since all images are documents. We do not (currently) distinguish precisely between physical and electronic documents, or between copies of a work and the abstraction those copies embody. [#] [back to top] Class: foaf:Group Group - A class of Agents. The Group class represents a collection of individual agents (and may itself play the role of a Agent, ie. something that can perform actions).

Standards. OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC Cite as: [STIX-v1.2.1-Overview]STIX(TM) Version 1.2.1.


Part 1: Overview. Edited by Sean Barnum, Desiree Beck, Aharon Chernin, and Rich Piazza. 05 May 2016. Final: OAuth 核心 1.0. Abstract OAuth协议致力于使网站和应用程序(统称为消费方)能够在无须用户透露其认证证书的情况下,通过API访问某个web服务(统称为服务提供方)的受保护资源。

Final: OAuth 核心 1.0

更一般地说,OAuth为API认证提供了一个可自由实现且通用的方法。 一个典型的例子是某打印服务提供商消费方),希望在无须用户提供其照片存储站点密码的情况下,访问用户储存在服务提供方)上的个人照片。 OAuth不强求一个特定的用户接口或操作模式,也不限定服务提供方如何验证用户,特别适合认证证书对消费方不可用的情况,例如OpenID。 OAuth致力于为托管web服务认证提供统一的体验和实现,形成一个社区驱动的协议。 Table of Contents. Brad's Thoughts on the Social Graph. Translations: [ Беларускі ] I've been thinking a lot about the social graph for awhile now: aggregating the graph, decentralization, social network portability, etc. If you've seen me at any conference recently, I probably talked your ear off about it.

I've gotten good at my verbal/visual presentations, showing my slides , pictures of graphs, and adapting my delivery to you based on your background, facial expressions, questions, etc. This is all a lot harder to do in a blog post where the audience is so diverse, so I've been lazily putting it off. I was also afraid that if I left anything out, I'd get flooded with comments like But what about __________? First off, before I explain what I've prototyped so far, and what I want to build (or see built) next, let me declare the problem statement, as I see it, and the underlying assumptions I've been making: Problem Statement: ¶ Facebook's answer seems to be that the world should just all be Facebook apps. Standardizing the Social Web at the W3C (16) I pondered all these things, and how men fight and lose the battle, and the thing that they fought for comes about in spite of their defeat, and when it comes turns out not to be what they meant, and other men have to fight for what they meant under another name.

Standardizing the Social Web at the W3C (16)

William Morris. A Dream of John Ball Knowledge may be power, but this knowledge is distributed throughout social networks of people. Social networking users are trapped in walled gardens where they cannot share data with others unless they are on the same social networking site or use the same vendor-specific API. FOAF (Friend of a Friend) has not solved this problem and many major social networking sites (Facebook, Myspace, Twittr) are not exporting FOAF. All Standards and Drafts. A Standards-based, Open and Privacy-aware Social Web. The Social Web is a set of relationships that link together people over the Web.

A Standards-based, Open and Privacy-aware Social Web

The Web is an universal and open space of information where every item of interest can be identified with a URI. While the best known current social networking sites on the Web limit themselves to relationships between people with accounts on a single site, the Social Web should extend across the entire Web. Just as people can call each other no matter which telephone provider they belong to, just as email allows people to send messages to each other irrespective of their e-mail provider, and just as the Web allows links to any website, so the Social Web should allow people to create networks of relationships across the entire Web, while giving people the ability to control their own privacy and data.

The standards that enable this should be open and royalty-free. This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. 1. Further, the members of the XG conclude: 2. Activity Streams - a format for syndicating social activities around the web. Standards for Activity Streams - MySpace Open Platform: Documentation Wiki. From MySpace Open Platform: Documentation Wiki Content > MySpaceID Content > Open Standard Specs > ActivityStreams This document explains how to consume the Activity Stream of an end user. An activity stream is very important for driving behavior as it contains the latest trends and details about what users in your social graph are doing: updating photos, adding music to their profile, hosting events, making new friends, etc.

The information available via this api is very rich. Personal Activities This is the stream for a single user. /v1/users/{userId}/activities.atom Gets all the updates for a single user.