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Street Art by Alice Pasquini | Cuded | Creative Art Moodbook. SVEN SVEN inspiration: Archive.

Savoir inutile

Des affiches de propagande.. anti-contestations | Creative Art Moodbook. Carte de fidélité UGC - Mon compte. A. Luchini. 20 creative guerilla marketing campaigns. We are so overwhelmed with advertising everywhere that it becomes hard for creative agencies to make ads that stand out. Guerilla advertising is a great way to make unusual, surrealistic visuals and situations that passers by will remember. Here is a selection. 1. Superette – Short shorts The bench that turns you into a walking advertisement if you are wearing short shorts. Via Trends Now. 2. Pretty clever, the urinal that stands out. 3. Seen in New York, how would you not go grab a coffee there? 4. I would be curious to know how many people actually notice this ad. 5. Enter the shark, a cool optical illusion for this National Geographic ad on a bus. 6. Cool idea to promote the movie “The day after tomorrow”, it gives the illusion that NYC has been submerged by the waters. 7.

Feels good not to be in the same category as the big boys. 8. Small but poweful, I think the message just got across the bridge. 9. Unmissable ad, I’m sure all the bowlers that went there remembered it. 11. 12. 13. Epic Exquisite Corpse. Quel oiseau. Juillet | 2011 | Le Petit Écho Malade. Ornithologie Du grec ancien ορνις [ornis], « oiseau » et λόγος [logos], « connaissance ».

Dans nos pays civilisés, on se livre à de véritables massacres de petits oiseaux. On les abat au fusil, on les attrape aux pièges, aux trébuchets, on leur fait des croche-pattes, on noue leurs lacets ensemble. Si l’on ajoute à cela la cruauté bien connue de ces vilains chats, on se demande comment il existe encore des passereaux. S’il y a quelques oiseaux plus nuisibles qu’utiles, tels les pies, les corbeaux, les buses, ou les é-per-viers-es-tu-prêt ? , la plupart passent leur temps à chasser une énorme quantité d’insectes et de chenilles. L’hirondelle, par exemple, absorbe jusqu’à mille insectes par jour et une bergeronnette en mange quotidiennement l’équivalent de son poids. Dans cette illustration, Vincent a fait figurer quatre oiseaux d’espèces différentes.

Le chapeau-gâteau Lorenzo nous parle d’un projet qui l’a occupé ces derniers temps. Publié dans Photos, Vidéos. La Moustacherie. Lee Never Wasted. February 28, 2011 | 19 Comments Designed by Happy | Country: India “With the relevance of eco-friendly initiatives increasing every day, Lee wanted an innovative solution that would display their affiliation towards the same and also spread the message amongst their customers. To drive the message home in a fun and effective way, we went for something a bit more inventive than just a bag made of recycled paper. The ‘Never Wasted’ shopping bag that can be reused in one way or another.

Some for fun, some for function, but nothing ever goes into the trash.