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Trends and New Ideas

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Generation Y managing baby-boomers. The Many Benefits That Come From Using ‘Stay” Interviews. Learning With and From Others: Restructuring Budgets for Social Learning. Originally posted to T+D Magazine, January 2011 Edition.

Learning With and From Others: Restructuring Budgets for Social Learning

Reprinted here with permission. (original link here) Now is the time for learning professionals to embrace social learning as an emerging and engaging way to enhance an organization’s learning strategy. By Dan Pontefract. New Ways to Think About Learning - Learning Trends. Three people with one vision for learning. In this month’s “Stimulearning” magazine, you can find my article on the L+D Talks that took place in October of this year, translated into Dutch.

Three people with one vision for learning

I wrote about the event and the content of Charles Jennings’ and Donald H Taylor’s speechs. Kristof wrote about Manon Ruijters. This post delivers the English translation of my part… Enjoy! In the last few years, there has been somewhat of a revolution in the learning world. Training professionals are repeatedly being told that training doesn’t necessarily lead to learning and that learning is not only about training.