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Linkedin-tips. Personal Branding Blog - Dan Schawbel. Career Tips: How to Find Your (Potential) Unique Value Proposition. One of the strategic questions you should ask yourself is: “What can I be best in the world at?”.

Career Tips: How to Find Your (Potential) Unique Value Proposition

Being able to answer this question will make you thrive in your career. But of course, answering this question is not easy. In essence, it requires you to find your unique value proposition. What value can you contribute to the world that can’t be given by other people? To make yourself unique, Dilbert’s Career Advice has good advice: Become very good (top 25%) at two or more things and combine them. When Your Personal Brand Outshines the Corporate Brand.

Does your personal brand outshine your company’s brand?

When Your Personal Brand Outshines the Corporate Brand

It’s happening, and more common than anyone wants to admit. As the concept and importance of personal branding, social media, and an online presence becomes more common place, companies are becoming more interested in the brands of their employees.