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Creating Halftone Effects in Illustrator. It used to be a time consuming process to create a halftone. First, I would open a picture in Photoshop, convert it to grayscale, apply a halftone effect, open it up in illustrator, trace it, and if didn’t get messed up somewhere in the process, I would use the halftone in Illustrator. In Illustrator CS3 it is quite a bit easier to create halftones without leaving Illustrator. Notes This tutorial was created with Illustrator CS3. I suggest having the Raster Effects at 300 ppi. This will generate the best quality in the effect. You can change this by going Effect > Document Raster Effects Settings and chose 300 ppi. Halftones I don’t want to ramble on here, but it is helpful to learn a little about halftones before getting started. Color is also important to note when dealing with halftones. If any of this doesn’t make sense, just use black as the dark color and white as the light color in your gradients, blends and gradient meshes.

Halftones from Gradients, Blends and Gradient Meshes Update. Indie illustration. Indie/Pretty/Perfect. Editorial | Malin Rosenqvist. Vi-trädgård Lemon illustration for Vi-trädgård, a literary garden magazine. Modern Psykologi Illustrations for the Swedish magazine Modern Psykologi, for their Q&A section. Hunger New illustration for swedish food magazine Hunger. Illustration for the new swedish food magazine Hunger. Specialpedagogik Illustration for a Swedish magazine, for a text about different types of shy children in school and what difficulties they might encounter. The Reading Experience Illustration for Vi-läser on what happens in our brains when we read. Brown Pens Illustrations for an article on whether evil authors, such as the Swedish female nazi sympathizers in the 40´s, write bad literature for the Swedish literary magazine Vi-läser. Salongsdamer A new illustration for the Swedish literary magazine Vi-läser.

First Aid An autumn illustration for the magazine from the Swedish pharmacy Apoteket, on their new first aid kit. War literature Illustrations in an article on war literature for the Swedish magazine Vi-läser. Karavan 2. The KDU Network — Blog — Categories — Illustration. I m glad to announce my friends album release: EXQUISITE DELEGATES and the eponym album. I did the album design & typedesign with Bureau36’s pictures The first 200 Downloads are for free, check their Tumblr for more, Animal, art, bird, bird on flower branch, bird pattern art, birdie.