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Daniel Morlock

The Social Engineering Toolkit: Creating Fake Web Sites to Own Boxes - StumbleUpon - Pentadactyl. One of the hottest new tools in Backtrack 4 final is the Social Engineering Toolkit otherwise known as SET.

The Social Engineering Toolkit: Creating Fake Web Sites to Own Boxes - StumbleUpon - Pentadactyl

The tool was written by a major contributor to Backtrack, David Kennedy (ReL1k). He is also a friend. The homepage for SET is and there is more useful information there. I am particularly impressed by the new java applet function is SET ( Thanks Thomas Werth!) GeekAlerts - StumbleUpon - Pentadactyl. Remember how cool Tom Cruise was in “Minority Report” when he was manipulating computer data on a life-sized clear screen with his bare hands? Well, we may be approaching a similar plane of awesomeness once we adopt The Leap, which is itching to replace and outshine the good ol’ reliable but tired computer mouse. Big strides have been taken to make virtual reality more of a reality. Today we’re enjoying gadgets that have us believing that we’ve crossed over to the flipside.

Video game consoles such as the Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 + Kinect, and touchscreen tablets, smartphones, 3D televisions and movies have been eagerly embraced not only by geeks but by the general public. Stupid Brain Is Doing It Again.


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