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Motion Misc. Titles. Moleskine Art: collected works. Posted by: – Jun 18, 2010 Displaying art whose origin is within a notebook seems almost contradictory; if the intent was display, wouldn't the work have been produced on canvas, large paper, or any medium that isn't designed to be closed and sealed? Perhaps that's the appeal of these works; I feel as if I'm privy to something that might not have been meant to be seen by the masses. These images work with a medium easily, both conforming and breaking standards. Also, Moleskine journals are fantastic, I have several. Found on Glibert Musings. RVA NO.3 : RYAN McLENNAN It doesn’t give me the warm and fuzzies to hear about talented people moving away from Richmond,...

SHOW REVIEW: Louis CK Louis CK Thursday October 20 at The Carpenter Center As a young comedian, Louis CK struggled to... YI Zip Earphones by Ji Woong. Zip Up Tangles Your trouser fly just influenced my friend Ji. Quit smirking, coz his YI earphones concept will take care of a lot of wire-tangle-hassles in the future, if it ever gets to production. Simple thought process and application! If pants can have a zipper to hold in the essentials then why the idea can’t be used on earphones to manage them when not in use! Designer: Ji Woong. The Digital Art Community - - Served over 20,000,000 artworks. - Expression Through Technology. Design resources: design books : graphic design books, web desig. Tutorial. - The Experience. Ressources.

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