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H&FJ News. Jason Kottke turned me on to this fantastic data visualization by Zach Beane, showing this year’s box office gross for American movies. Like this related graphic at The New York Times, it uses the x-axis for time and the height of each node to indicate revenue, but presents the data in a way that allows readers to infer four additional kinds of information — without having to complicate the graphic: The position on the y-axis represents each film’s rank, revealing the importance of a strong opening weekend (but begging the question of how The Bucket List, which opened in 23rd place, became the #1 movie in America the following week; something to do with New Year’s Day?)

The slope of each line conveys the distinction between films with a slow burn (Juno) and those that flamed out (Cloverfield.) Finally, I appreciate the way Beane used rollovers to reveal the names of the films themselves. BuzzData. Flare | Demos. Data Visualization. Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage. Examples. Enjoy these sample visualizations built with Protovis. For any example, use your browser to view the source or the backing dataset.

Protovis is no longer under active development.The final release of Protovis was v3.3.1 (4.7 MB). The Protovis team is now developing a new visualization library, D3.js, with improved support for animation and interaction. D3 builds on many of the concepts in Protovis; for more details, please read the introduction and browse the examples.

Conventional While Protovis is designed for custom visualization, it is still easy to create many standard chart types. Area Charts Bar & Column Charts Scatterplots Pie & Donut Charts Line & Step Charts Stacked Charts Grouped Charts Custom Many charting libraries provide stock chart designs, but offer only limited customization; Protovis excels at custom visualization design through a concise representation and precise control over graphical marks. Anderson’s Flowers Becker’s Barley Bertin’s Hotel Streamgraphs Sparklines Bullet Charts. David mccandless.