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Healthy Date and Cashew Caramel Chocolate Slice | Nadia Lim. After posting a ridiculously yummy, but ridiculously bad-for-you recipe for caramel chocolate slice that my husband loves (and occasionally bakes for his mates when they go on their hunting or fishing trips), I thought “right! I’m going to see if I can make one that’s just as delicious, but is full of nutritious ingredients!” It seemed like mission impossible at first, but after four attempts I have made a caramel slice that mimics the flavour, texture and all round deliciousness of the original. I’ve fed it to many guinea pigs now, and people are just gob-smacked when I tell them there’s no refined sugar, dairy and gluten in it! Note: there is a lot of confusion around oats and whether they are gluten free or not, please refer to the asterisk note at the bottom of the page for more info.

Enjoy! Ingredients Base ¾ cup fine rolled oats* (you can also use ground almonds as a GF alternative) ¾ cup coconut thread (shredded coconut) 6 medjool dates, pitted ½ cup natural/raw almonds pinch of salt. 19 Australian Coffee Shops You Need To Visit Before You Die.