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Árabe. Coreano. Francés. Japonés. Portugués. Ruso. Señas. En mi Idioma. The World’s Most-Spoken Languages In A Single Infographic | Bored Panda. This fascinating infographic elegantly breaks down the world’s most popular languages and the countries in which they are spoken. Specifically, the circle represents the 4.1 billion people around the world who speak one of 23 of the world’s most-spoken languages as their native tongue – the numbers of people speaking an actual language in any given country may actually be higher.

It was created for the South China Morning Post by Alberto Lucas Lopez, an infographic journalist. Be sure to view the full-sized version to get all the details! Courses. Learn 48 Languages Online for Free. How to learn lan­guages for free? This col­lec­tion fea­tures lessons in 48 lan­guages, includ­ing Span­ish, French, Eng­lish, Man­darin, Ital­ian, Russ­ian and more. Down­load audio lessons to your com­put­er or mp3 play­er and you’re good to go. Amhar­ic For­eign Ser­vice Insti­tute Basic Amhar­ic — Audio — Text­bookLessons with dia­logues, drills, exer­cis­es, and nar­ra­tives will teach you the basics of this lan­guage spo­ken in Ethiopia.

Ancient Greek Ancient Greek Intro­duc­tion — Web SiteThe UT-Austin Lin­guis­tics Research Cen­ter pro­vides an overview of Ancient Greek and 10 lessons based on famous Greek texts. Ara­bic Book­mark our free Ara­bic lessons sec­tion. Amer­i­can Sign Lan­guage Intro­duc­to­ry Amer­i­can Sign Lan­guage Course — YouTubeBy the end of this course you should have a basic bank of ASL words that you are able to use to form sim­ple sen­tences. Bam­bara Bam­bara in Mali — Web SiteLessons from the Peace Corps. Bul­gar­i­an Cam­bo­di­an Cata­lan Chi­nese Czech Dan­ish Lao.

How to learn a new language: 7 tips from TED Translators. Knowing more than one language is great for your brain. But what’s the best way to learn? TED’s Open Translation Project volunteers share 7 tips: 1. Get real. Decide on a simple, attainable goal to start with so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. 2. Elisabeth Buffard has been teaching English for 27 years. 3.

The more you invite a foreign language into your daily life, the more your brain will consider it something worth remembering. 4. Dmitrochenkova has a great idea: “A funny thing like resetting the language on your phone can help you learn new words right away,” she says. 5. To Spanish translator Sebastián Betti, learning a language has always been about focusing on the experiences that the new language would open up, from “visiting theme parks, to enjoying cowboy poetry and folk-rock festivals, to learning about photo-essay techniques.” 6. 7. One of the most common barriers to conversing in a new language is the fear of making mistakes. I hope this helps many of you. Curso de idiomas gratis: inglés, francés, ruso, chino o alemán. Aprender Idiomas Gratis con Música, Letras y Karaoke! Malay Language - Introductory Online Course.