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8 Sfaturi pentru un Copywriter Incepator. Am început să fac copywriting din pură pasiune, lucrând la început pe gratis.

8 Sfaturi pentru un Copywriter Incepator

Writing a Business Plan? Don't Forget About Marketing. For those who dream of escaping cubicles to pursue a passion, drafting a business plan is the first step.

Writing a Business Plan? Don't Forget About Marketing

One of your plan's most critical elements is your marketing strategy. Too often, people don't think through that all-important component with the same rigor they tackle aspects like projected cash flow and long-term goals. Or, they do put thought and effort into planning for market research, promotion and positioning -- and then never follow through on their great ideas. One problem is that most entrepreneurs don't have marketing experience. They may be skilled tradesmen, savvy financial advisers or talented writers -- expert in the niche they plan to build their business around -- but they're not marketers.

Related: A Data-Driven Reality Check for Your Marketing Budget Here's why it's so important: No matter how ingenious your product or service, no one will find it if they don’t know it’s there. PR Romania - Relatii Publice in Romania. 10 variante de a face tinerii sa se indragosteasca de brand. Online survey software. Free web survey tool. 5 ways to handle negative Facebook comments. Two truths that will forever be part of building a brand: 1.

5 ways to handle negative Facebook comments

Your customers will always talk about you. 2. Everyone makes mistakes. Social media has brought major changes to the world of customer communication. On Facebook and Twitter, customers control the conversation. Josh Catone of Mashable has a great post that outlines the different types of negative feedback within social media. Reclame pentru călători leneși. Niște reclame foarte tari peste care am dat răscolind articole de pe AdWeek , reclame din colecția “Postere de călătorie pentru leneși”, în care am descoperit cu satisfacție și câteva elemente de pe 9gag, dar și câteva insight-uri pe care mulți dintre noi le recunoaștem.

Reclame pentru călători leneși

Spre exemplu: avem una bucată puking rainbows computer care se bucură de abundența de tab-uri de deschise pentru că îl poartă pe diverse tărâmuri, pe care utilizatorul e prea leneș ca să le exploreze live O experiență oferită de Too Many Tabs Tourism Agency. Un alt ad ne invită să explorăm frigiderul în căutarea unor mâncăruri din timpuri imemoriale pentru că, nu-i așa, nu suntem niciodată prea bătrâni ca să mâncăm mâncarea mai bătrână ca noi. Magica excursie este facilitată de Stale Hot Pot Toursim Agency. Mă întreb cum s-or descurca cu Sanepidul. Ultima, dar nu cea din urmă ocazie de a merge în excursii este prezentată în ăst ultim ad. Networking: 7 tips for striking up a conversation.

There's no way around it.

Networking: 7 tips for striking up a conversation

Networking events can be intimidating environments for young professionals. It's easy to be overly aware of being much younger than those around you and feeling self-conscious about a lack of professional experience in some conversations. Believe me, I've been there. In this setting, it can be difficult to approach people and maintain meaningful discussions. If things aren't going well, it can be even more difficult to leave a conversation. Adopting a few simple habits can make meeting people easier and events full of strangers more survivable.

A few things you can try for striking up conversation: Do some research If you have access to the guest list for an event, look through it to see whom you know, whom you want to meet and whom you might be able to connect with prior to the event via social networks. Vodafone Romania: numar de clienti, segmentare si campanii de CSR. Despre brainstorming productiv cu seniorii copywriting-ului romanesc.

Se pare ca nimeni nu a descoperit inca reteta brainstorming-ului zeiss – iar daca au descoperit-o, nu se risca sa o impartaseasca in vazul concurentei - ne-am strecurat intre brief-urile creativilor ca sa aflam care sunt ingredientele unui brainstorming ca la mama acasa si cum se intampla el in agentiile de publicitate din Bucuresti.

Despre brainstorming productiv cu seniorii copywriting-ului romanesc

Am descoperit si entuziasm si frustrarea lipsei unei retete clare care sa functioneze mereu si destul de multe reactii anti-brainstorming asa cum e el inteles in varianta clasica. Se pare ca din ce in ce mai multi creativi renunta la adunatul in sala de sedinte a agentiei in varianta debriefing cu client service, brainstorming cu creatia si prezentarea rezultatelor inapoi catre client service si client si aleg sa schimbe putin jocul.

5 crisis PR lessons from ‘Kony 2012’ KONY 2012, a short documentary produced by the nonprofit Invisible Children, went viral last week, racking up millions of views on YouTube and Vimeo and clogging up social media feeds everywhere.

5 crisis PR lessons from ‘Kony 2012’

The social media campaign called for the arrest of Joseph Kony, the Ugandan warlord responsible for kidnapping and abducting Ugandan children to turn them into child soldiers for the last three decades. Last week, the issue became a trending topic on Twitter and Google, and the video grabbed more than 55 million views on YouTube. However, it also drew sharp criticism from people, who said the nonprofit simplified an issue, support military intervention, and misspends funds. Of course, it didn’t take long for media to catch on, turning Invisible Children’s awareness campaign into a crisis communications challenge.

Ultimately, the organization has some important lessons to offer for everyone working in nonprofit PR when faced with a media storm. 1.