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Pearltrees launches Twitter sync and reveals its social system. [France] Paris-based Pearltrees has been catching interest around the web the last few days not least because a gaggle influential Silicon Valley bloggers have descended on Paris for Le Web, but mainly because of its interesting model for visually mapping how people collect and share information on the Web.

Pearltrees launches Twitter sync and reveals its social system

But today the startup opens the kimono on its full system. They will announce two new things today: Twitter synchronization (enabling a user to create a pearl automatically from Twitter and to tweet automatically from their new Pearltrees), Pearltrees search, Real time discussion and connection. The other new aspect announced today on stage at Le Web is the Pearltrees Social System. Pearlez vous français ? Are any of these the Web's next big thing? Árvore de pérolas. Blog. Pearltrees ( est un réseau d’intérêts humain qui vous permet organiser, découvrir et partager tout ce que vous aimez sur le web. Actuellement en bêta, Pearltrees connaît une croissance forte de +30% par mois et poursuit son développement sur les marchés européen et américain. “the Web’s next big thing?” Le Figaro: “Pearltrees imagine le web sans Google”Robert Scoble: “It’s not often anymore that I’m blown away by new UI but @pearltrees delivers the goods”Mashable: “Pearltrees is nothing less than a reinvention of how we organize the web”ReadWriteWeb : “I almost fell out of my chair thinking about the possibilities”Techcrunch: “this is quite powerful”