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Apple dévoile les applications les plus vendues en 2010. Apple a dévoilé la liste des applications gratuites et payantes les plus téléchargées pour iPhone, iPod touch et iPad. Sans surprise, on retrouve les applications les plus populaires comme Angry Bird, Doodle Jump ou encore Fruit Ninja. Sur l'iPad, les applications bureautiques d'Apple ont le vent en poupe puisque Pages, Keynote et Numbers sont dans le top 10. Voici le classement en détail : Les applications payantes pour iPhone et iPod touch les plus vendues en 2010 1. Angry Birds2. Les applications gratuites pour iPhone et iPod touch les plus téléchargées en 2010 1. Les applications pour iPhone et iPod touch les plus rentables en 2010 1. iCoyote FR2. Les applications payantes pour iPad les plus vendues en 2010 1. Les applications gratuites pour iPad les plus téléchargées en 2010 1. iBooks2. Les applications pour iPad les plus rentables en 2010 1. "La fragmentation des OS va pousser le retour des sites mobile"

Le directeur général de Nemo Agency et rapporteur de la commission "applications mobiles" de la Mobile Marketing Association France prédit un retour en force des sites mobile face aux applications. JDN. Au travers de l'activité de votre agence, Nemo Agency, et de votre rôle au sein de la Mobile Marketing Association France, quelles tendances observez-vous actuellement dans l'Internet mobile ?

Bertrand Jonquois. L'une des tendances les plus importantes du moment concerne la montée en puissance de la concurrence face à Apple et son iPhone. Il s'agit d'un phénomène important car il a déjà des conséquences sur la façon dont nous conseillons nos clients pour placer le mobile au cœur de leur stratégie. Pourquoi les concurrents d'Apple ne sont-ils pas plus présents ? Parce que l'iPhone a quasiment à lui tout seul suscité un réel engouement pour l'Internet mobile et les applications, à la fois pour le public et les annonceurs.

"Cinq OS pour lesquels développer une application, cela coûte cher" Untitled. Un quart du traffic Internet mobile US est généré par Android - Journal du Net > e-Business. Internet Founder Tim Berners-Lee Details 4 Concerns About Future of Mobile Web (Nokia World 2010) This morning at Nokia World 2010 in London, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, widely known as the inventor of the Web, addressed the audience in a keynote speech where he spoke about the future of mobile technology, including both the positive impacts it brings as well as the areas of concern.

After encouraging developers to build for the Web, so as to deliver applications that work on all types of devices, even the ones that haven't been invented yet, he then proceeded to detail areas which need addressing, specifically privacy, accountability, network neutrality and the 80% of the world that doesn't have access to the World Wide Web. The Mobile Web Today: Location is Just "Tip of the Iceberg" Berners-Lee began his keynote by discussing the improvements we've seen in technology in recent years, most notably the ability of our devices to be location-aware. However, he says, "location-awareness is just the tip of the iceberg. " 4 Concerns about the Future of Mobile 1. 2. 3. 4. Zoom sur les prix des applications mobile. Flixster Hits 20 Million App Downloads. Top Movie App On iPhone, Android, And BlackBerry.

It was almost exactly two years ago that Flixster bought one of the original popular movie apps for the iPhone from a college sophomore. Now, two years later, their Flixster iPhone app is the top movie application on the platform. It’s also the top movie app on the Android and BlackBerry platforms as well. All told, the app has just crossed a massive 20 million installs. What’s perhaps even more incredible is that among these users, 70% of them are active in the past 90 days. CEO Joe Greenstein credits the companies combination with popular movie review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes (which they acquired from News Corp. in January).

“The combination of Flixster and RottenTomatoes has helped us pull away as the go-to application in the movie category – bringing together everything you need from critics, other users and your own friends to make the best decision about which movie to see,” Greenstein tells us. But Flixster isn’t sitting around content with their mobile success. Why Entertainment Will Drive the Next Checkin Craze. In recent months, a crop of services have popped up that re-purpose the checkin concept, popularized by Foursquare, and connect it to media and entertainment, as opposed to location. In theory, the idea of checking-in to cultural concepts (like media, music, etc.) and not places is one that doesn't jive in the real-world. It would follow then that the apps that provide this service — GetGlue, Philo and Miso — are silly and far too extreme in ideology to attract anything more than a testbed tech audience. In practice, this alternative checkin behavior is one that is more cultural and familiar than anything the location checkin offers.

In fact, it emulates the way we experience entertainment in our everyday lives. The Culture of Entertainment Television shows such as Mad Men may not be monster hits when it comes to traditional ratings measurements, but those who do watch tend to do so religiously and with a fervor nearing obsession. Philo is hyper-focused on live television. Industry Matters. Un Français sur trois est inscrit sur un site communautaire. Plus de 20 millions de Français sont inscrits sur un site communautaire et plus de 8 millions s'y rendent quotidiennement, révèle jeudi l'Observatoire des usages Internet de Médiamétrie, un sondage par téléphone réalisé chaque mois auprès d'un panel de 1 000 personnes.

Une estimation à rapprocher du nombre d'abonnements à haut débit dans le pays, qui a dépassé les 20 millions en mars, d'après les données de l'Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des Postes (Arcep). Médiamétrie comptabilise comme "site communautaire" les réseaux sociaux (Facebook ou Copains d'avant) et les sites ayant des forums très développés (YouTube, Dailymotion, Allociné). Parmi ces sites, Facebook arrive largement en tête avec 16,6 millions d'inscrits, suivi de Copains d'avant (7,5 millions), YouTube (5,3 millions), Dailymotion (2,9 millions) et (1,7 million). Japanese Mobile Web Usage Growing Rapidly. Japanese mobile web usage has grown to outpace that of the United States.

It seems that when it comes to being connected on the go, the Japanese have quickly become a leader in that category. According to the findings from a new study by comScore, a staggering three-quarters of all Japanese mobile subscribers accessed the mobile web, apps or other downloaded digital content during the month of June 2010. By comparison in the US, only 43.7% of mobile users did the same – not even close, but still ahead of Europe’s 38.5% Interestingly, Japanese mobile users also displayed “the strongest usage of both applications and browsers” with 59.3% of the entire mobile population accessing their browsers in June and 42.3% accessing applications.

Once again, those figures outpace those found among mobile web users in the US. Only 34.0% of mobile users in the U.S. and 25.8% in Europe used their mobile browsers. The United States, however, did place first when it comes to social networking.