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Wisteria: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Wisteria. Gardening For Dummies: Different Types of Cherry Trees.


Compostingathome. Composting: a guide to making compost at home, using compost tumblers, bins & other composters. ~ Activate your compost. 'Activators' can be added to your compost to help kick-start the process and speed up composting.

Composting: a guide to making compost at home, using compost tumblers, bins & other composters

Common compost activator materials are: comfrey leaves, grass clippings, young weeds, well-rotted chicken manure. ~ Flying insects attracted to your compost? Small fruit flies, especially, are naturally attracted to the compost pile. They can be discouraged by simply covering any exposed fruit or vegetable matter. Small Scale or Backyard Composting - Cornell Waste Management Institute. A significant fraction of the solid waste generated in the United States is organic material that can be recycled through small scale composting.

Small Scale or Backyard Composting - Cornell Waste Management Institute

There are many advantages to this strategy of waste management. Households, businesses and institutions may save money by composting items such as food scraps and yard trimmings while sending less waste to landfills and incinerators. In addition, small scale composting is often the most environmentally sound way of recycling organic materials. The finished compost is a good soil amendment for a variety of gardening and landscape uses.

Easy Project: How to Build a Compost Pile. Here’s what you need: 1.

Easy Project: How to Build a Compost Pile

Carbon-rich “brown” materials, such as fall leaves, straw, dead flowers from your garden, and shredded newspaper. 2. Nitrogen-rich “green” materials, such as grass clippings, plant-based kitchen waste (vegetable peelings and fruit rinds, but no meat scraps), or barnyard animal manure (even though its color is usually brown, manure is full of nitrogen like the other “green” stuff).