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Dr. Melissa Clouthier • Information Pollination. Doug Ross @ Journal. Wizbang | Explosively Unique. Pirate's Cove. Unable to Serve This Request. The Progressive Hunter – We have met the enemy and they are ours… Oliver Hazard Perry. Remember the accusations during the Trump impeachment trial that Ukraine had cleaned up corruption? President Trump withheld aid for a couple of very legitimate reasons including corruption in the Ukraine military, corruption in the banking system and money-laundering. The Democrats continued to place the guilt of dying Ukrainians because of the military conflict with Russia in the lap of President Trump. Then there was that pesky Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg that spread propaganda across the world. Ladies and gentlemen… it is still happening over there… where is the media? Anyway, read on… this is yet but only part of what continues to go on in Ukraine… Rudy Giuliani is working many other channels.

Hat tip to the REAL investigative reporters on the case…well done. Luxury cars line the parking lot of the upscale Mandarin Plaza mall in Kyiv, while their well-heeled owners flaunt their wealth in its jewellery and designer clothes stores. The stories were strikingly similar. Independent Sentinel | The Other McCain. YID With LID. Nice Deb.