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Transact-SQL Reference (Transact-SQL) Transact-SQL is central to using SQL Server. All applications that communicate with an instance of SQL Server do so by sending Transact-SQL statements to the server, regardless of the user interface of the application. The following is a list of the kinds of applications that can generate Transact-SQL: General office productivity applications. Applications that use a graphical user interface (GUI) to let users select the tables and columns from which they want to see data. Applications that use general language sentences to determine what data a user wants to see. To view the Transact-SQL reference topics To view the list of topics in the Transact-SQL reference section of SQL Server Books Online, follow these steps: On the SQL Server Books Online toolbar, click the Sync with Table Of Contents button. – beta. Tokyo Tyrant: network interface of Tokyo Cabinet. Searching the Grid: BigTable and Geo Searches. Google's BigTable datastore looks like a relational database. It smells like a relational database. It even tastes just a little like a relational database. But it's no relational database. Google's not shy about this, either. In their words: "It's not a relational database! " Well, OK, I'm paraphrasing, but it really isn't.

Once upon a time, I wrote a multidimensional game of chance where, based on the statuses of adjacent sectors of a playing field, different options of attack and defense were possible. BigTable's query language ("gql") may look like SQL, but it's severely limited, and ever day there's someone new on the board saying, "This is so easy in MySQL, why can't I do X? " Before I get to my point, I'll go back a bit in history.

Most of you are likely familiar with RAID for storage and data security. Google (and many other companies) took that same philosophy and applied it to their hardware as well. So here's the exciting part. A good example is geographic searches. CouchDB: The CouchDB Project. Dabble DB: A better web database to share, manage and explore yo. Opends: OpenDS Project Home. - Home of the World's #1 Tool for Database Pro. SQLite Administrator - International Milestone Beta.