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Eportfolios. The Googlio Movement. Mahara ePortfolio System. What makes Mahara different from other ePortfolio systems is that you control which items and what information (artefacts) within your portfolio other users see.

Mahara ePortfolio System

In order to facilitate this access control, all artefacts you wish to show to other users need to be bundled up and placed onto a page. You can have as many pages as you like, each with a different collection of artefacts, and intended purpose and audience. Your audience, or the people you wish to give access to your page, can be added as individuals or as a member of a group or community. Student using for coursework. Example of student using Mahara for learning plan. Example of teacher using Mahara. PersonalBrain Tutorial. Mind Mapping. Moodle - Using the mindmap activity. Mindmap Software. The free and open source package Freemind offers basic mindmapping functions.

Mindmap Software

There exists a non-standard Freemind filter for Moodle that embeds mindmaps in your Moodle web pages (I did not try it until now, but sample on / downloads / modules / freemind filter / documentation looks promising). Personally I use the commercial Mindmanager application from Mindjet. You can add rich text "below" every node. You can export the whole mindmap to Word (structured document), powerpoint (automatic slides with bullets etc.) AND as web pages (complete website with navigation at the left side, see my which is generated in this way).