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Social Intranets: Evolution or Revolution? There has been a lot of talk about the use of social media in corporate intranets lately.

Social Intranets: Evolution or Revolution?

As more organisations implement social technologies to improve their internal communications and enhance engagement, we set out to explore the pros and cons of this movement. Intranets are private organisational networks that support part of the IT infrastructure as well as internal communication and collaboration and are, more often than not, protected from unauthorised external access. Intranets have gone through many evolutional stages. They started as simple web pages with contact details, moved on to corporate bulletin boards with online access to employee directories and evolved to portals with advanced search facilities, internal email systems, personnel information and HR access.

Social intranets are all of the above but are additionally equipped with social media capabilities. Organisations are unsure about the implications and sceptical about the new trend. today.pdf. Recognizing 21st century learners. The Writing Process Helps Students Become More Confident Writers. November 28, 2011 By: Carmen Hamlin in Effective Teaching Strategies I’ve long been an advocate of student-centered learning and approaching material from a variety of perspectives.

The Writing Process Helps Students Become More Confident Writers

We hear so many buzzwords describing the ways we should teach or the ways our students learn, and we deal increasingly with issues of plagiarism and academic dishonesty. In a classroom of adult learners who frequently view themselves as consumers, we balance the need to meet their demands with the need for them to meet ours. Getting back to the basics can intrinsically incorporate kinesthetic, collaborative learning, and nearly eliminate plagiarism while promoting critical thinking. In introductory collegiate writing courses, we teach students the writing process. I have students begin prewriting in class by listing potential subjects. During the next class meeting, we hold a full-class workshop. Revising their writing again involves the audience. Análisis de la primera encuesta “seria” a docentes sobre la Escuela 2.0. En el III Congreso Escuela 2.0, el catedrático de Tecnología Educativa de la Universidad de La Laguna, Manuel Área, presentó los primeros resultados de una encuesta a 4500 docentes para recabar su opinión sobre el plan Escuela 2.0.

Análisis de la primera encuesta “seria” a docentes sobre la Escuela 2.0

Esos datos iniciales los podemos encontrar en la siguiente presentación: Antes de empezar a cuestionar los resultados de la encuesta (ya que para mi las encuestas tienen siempre un valor relativo y, más aún cuando tratan de temas tan controvertidos como puede ser el caso del plan Escuela 2.0), lo que me gustaría destacar es si la masa muestral que se está usando en la misma es significativa, ya que hablar de 4500 docentes, cuando la cantidad de docentes en España ronda los 700000 no llega ni al 1% (ya que estaríamos hablando de un porcentaje del 0,6%).

Y eso, que parece ser que la culpa del bajo muestreo no es de los investigadores, ya que las encuestas fueron remitidas online y difundidas por las Consejerías pertinentes a muchos de sus docentes. Tips and Tricks: Don’t miss a trick. We spend a lot of time with our wikis.

Tips and Tricks: Don’t miss a trick

It’s something of an occupational hazard. So it makes sense that we’ve figured out a few techniques and shortcuts to make our work easier and better. Once a month, we like to share some of those tricks we’ve learned with you. Or just turn you on to some features that we think are cool and you might not have thought about using yet. But if you’re not specifically looking for a way to do some exact, specific thing, there’s a chance you might not catch one of these posts. Think of this as a checklist. Tools and tricks for editing wiki pages Tools and tricks for managing wikis Tools and tricks for Wikispaces Private Label sites. Learners are in a State of Readiness - Avoid Rigid Learning Objectives. Synthesis:Keeping to a rigid sequence in the implementation of the learning process is not a guarantee of a learner’s full attention or comprehension.

Learners are in a State of Readiness - Avoid Rigid Learning Objectives

Learners’ minds constantly wander to seek out discovery points that hold meaning for them in the real world. Find out how you can leverage this to maximize learning that greatly benefit learners.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In designing learning objectives, it is helpful to understand that learners are in a constant STATE OF READINESS.

Discovery points are similar to the ideas postulated in Contextual Learning.According to Hull’s (1993) definition of contextual learning, learning occurs only when learners connect information to their own frame of reference: Furthermore, Karweit (1993) defines contextual learning as learning that is designed so that learners can carry out activities and solve problems in a way that reflects the nature of such tasks in the real world.